Week 3 And Going Strong
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I've been taking chantix for 4 wks now and have been smoke free for 3 weeks. I am 51 yrs old and have smoked for 35 years and never ever thought of myself as a non smoker. only within the last week do I see myself as that smoke free person and it feels good.
The one thing that I keep telling myself to help those physical urges is its easier to quit and deal with these urges( that dont last) then it is to be a smoker worried about if the next cigarette will be the one that gives me lung disease, stroke, heart attack emphysema or kills me I worry alot less now and didnt even realize that I breath better and no more morning hacking and spitting,it was when I realized some of these healthy changes that I was very proud of myself of making this journey to quit this terrible habit for good .It could not be done without the help of chantix and alot of reading on scientific proof of all the dangers involved. I have 2 smokers in the house , my wife and son who have been very supportive; but even with them smoking in the garage I have no urges to go join them, but urge them to also quit

I have to say that my toughest time and my biggest urges is when I get in my car sometimes they are so strong I find myself reaching for what I believe to be are my smokes, so I keep gum and mini tootsie rolls handy.The mini tootsie rolls seem to really help more because of having to untwist from both ends. now i look forward to having a tootsie roll It does sound childish, but hey what ever helps
I've heard this said by other quitters and never thought i'd hear myself say it , let me just say that if I can quit anyone can quit.I never looked at my life without cigarettes now im starting to see that smoking in my life now is just a short cut to death.Good luck to all out their ready to make this journey, plan ahead give yourself plenty of time and be kind to yourself and join a gym,oh yeah and dont forget to get your mini tootie rolls. good luck.

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hi i hope your doing well.the start date is tough but believe me it gets easier and easier. there is no right way to quit that I know ,I only know its the right thing to do. As far as the horror stories known were true for me a few wierd dreams that stopped, but the gas is terrible. a small price for me to pay right now ,but not for everyone else.Thats ok I just blame the dog

I have to say that this was the easist
time I had from trying to quit . Good luck to you and remember to never light up again there is so much more to life. dont let that monster back in cuz he's always gonna try to get back into your life.

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i am 51 and am in the same boat, i am starting today with chantix today. despite all the horror stories that arent true i hope. i want to be smoke free and want to smell clean air and no hack and cough at all.

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Awesome! Congrats! I am so glad that it's working for you.

I never used Chantix, but for myself, I found that the after dinner cigarette seemed the hardest to give up and the one that I craved the most.

I'm going to put in a link to read more Chantix details for anyone that may be curious about it.

Can you post back and keep us updated on how you're doing?

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