Washington State Doctor Chronic Pain
UpdatedI'm desperate to find a doctor to advocate for me in social security as well my pain. I deal with daily pain aND my current doctor is retiring. The doctor I saway today is taking me off all pain medication as a way of reducing pain and even said the lesions in my brain are caused by the large amount of opiates. I'm at the point I should go to a methadone clinic for treatment. If anyone knows of a doctor who will treat me with dignity and treat the pain please send me the refferal! My depression and anxiety is out of control now... I am in desperate need of help! I have medicaid and some cash. So being a cash patient is not a problem nor does it make me a drug seeker, although I am... I am desperate to find a doctor to treat my pain and if that makes me a drug seeker then so be it. My diagnosis are real but the new doctor is sure I'm not suffering from these issues and will completely mess up my social security that I have paid for and my husband whose now passed has also paid into. .. I'm scared as desperate. .. please any help!
3 Replies
What part of Washington are you in? The doctor retiring what type of regimen does he have you on? Make SURE to get a physical and electronic copy of your medical file and your pharmacy, ask them for a fill history printed out to add to your documents. Think of it as your patient portfolio as this will be very important with the next Doctor you go see. Have those in hand far before the appointment date, try to get your medical scans and such as well on a cd or electronically.
I've done this... Unfortunately every doctor in Washington state misleads the patients that they are only allowed to prescribe 120 morphine equivalent and they all stay at 90. This is not the law but a suggestion for patients who are not already steady on the higher dose. I'm willing to go to a neighboring state at this point. So tired of being threatened with suboxone?!!!!
Thank you for your reply, I wasn't notified by the site of any replies, i am sorry it has taken me this long to get back to you.
I too have been searching neighboring states, Idaho seems to be worse than Washington and Oregon is as bad... I don't know how I could afford to take a trip to California monthly and even if there are any doctors aside Dr Forest Tennant who would treat a pain patient any differently than what I am finding all over.
I swear if one more doctor tells me I will be sent home with no medication for 24 to 48 hours then asked to come back while in pain and full withdrawal so they can start me on low dose suboxone!!! How ridiculous is that! And when the actual physician left the room after quickly informing me of what I'm going to do and not to forget to mention that I spent over and hour talking to a MA and less than 10 minutes with the physician who did not one physical exam.... It was then that the MA informed me "you know we are going to tell your current doctor everything that transpired here today"
Of course I expected that I am grateful for it!
The only thing they succeeded in doing by contacting my doc who had sent them my medical records to begin with (!) was to show him what an a$$ I was forced to deal with!
The doctor at the Everett clinic pain management actually told me to sue my current MD PhD!
Which again, only helped me to communicate further to my doctor just how awful it is.
Now, I'm going to see a physcologist today in hopes of finding an advocate on how this is effecting another patient because I'm sure I'm not the first, then I will be looking for an attorney, I don't know where or what kind of attorney (personal injury perhaps) and from there all I can do is pray that these"regulations" which are clearly damaging will be ceased.
I've done quite a bit of research on this how it began and by whom... I've found advocates and I try to stay as involved as possible but when you have constant nagging pain in every bone and joint, chronic depression and have developed panic disorder over all the stress its hard to get anything done!
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