Walgreens Oxycodone Filling Tricks (Page 6)


I have read all the posts and found that the best way i found is on the 29th of aug i talked to the pharmacy manager and explained the dilemma i was facing and she told me just to transfer all my other scripts to her location and then drop off my oxy script and methadone and that they would order them for me if they were out.Bam ten days later i got a call yesterday that they had my script filled and to come pick them up.Hope this helps those having problems getting their meds filled.Good luck and god bless.

170 Replies (9 Pages)

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Bella, you going to the Dr. in one area and filling in another may be the reason why you are being turned away. They do that here in south Florida, you have to have a local Dr. or the pharmacies wont fill.. Most wont fill out of county. Even if you go to the Dr. and try to fill in the same city his office is in but don't live there they will tell you that you have to fill in the county in which you live but if you try to they will say they don't fill if your Dr. isnt local... i had the same Dr. for 7 years and had to switch because i couldn't find any where and the one place I did find was charging me a little over 2 grand for all my meds and took nothing but cash... I had to leave my wonderful Dr. and the place i go to now wont give me anymore than 2 per day which is a big difference from the 5 i was getting before. Its like they don't know the meds lose effectiveness over time... well they know but they don't care. I wish you all the luck in the world...

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Fireside pharmacy in pensacola.

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You need to work on your grammer.

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Same here - Walgreens has to to a "review" for the pharm mgr to order the meds and it has to be the manager - be careful if that person goes on vacation as no one else will take care of it. Last month my Rx was there (in the safe with my name on it) but the temp pharmacist "wasn't going to risk his license by giving it to me" - Seriously??

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Hi, I went to fill my meds on Friday and the pharmacist told me he would not fill for this Dr again because they did not like the integrity of this Dr. I had to switch Drs a couple months ago due to my ins. Change (school board) I was getting them filled here for 4-5 yrs and never had a problem. The Walgreen pharmacist said the DEA told him not to fill scripts from this Dr. Do you think your pharmacy would fill? I am in the Citrus Park area. Thanks

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MRSB: THIS IS BELLA, TY FOR THE INFO. IVE BEEN GOING TO THE SAME DR FOR 10 YEARS AND ITS IN Central FL, ANYWAY THE WHOLE TIME I'VE BEEN THERE, UNTIL I MOVED UP NORTH TO HELP MY MOM FOR about A YEAR, THEN AFTER SHE PASSED I CAME BACK HOME IN N. FL, MY DR OF COURSE TOOK ME back with no problem, the thing is BEFORE I moved I've always filled with no problem in Alabama, crazy I know that's a whole other state, problem is when I got back they explained to me that they only get a certain amount, my best friend goes through the same Dr. I go to and the pharmacy I used to go to in Alabama she still goes there, but she never left, so she still has her spot, but since They only get a certain amount, when I left they replaced me and now they don't have enough to help me anymore. SO I FOUND A PLACE ABOUT 30 MIN FROM WHERE I LIVE AND THEY DID IT FOR ONE MONTH FOR ME, BUT THE NEXT MONTH THEY SAID IT WAS A ONE TIME THING. THAT WAS BEFORE I POSTED ON HERE. IT TOOK ME 62 DAYS TO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO DO IT FOR ME. IM GOING BACK AT THE END OF THIS WEEK AND hoping I HAVE NO MORE PROBLEMS. I HAVE A FEELING I WONT BUT U NEVER KNOW AND FOR ALL THAT I GET I ONLY PAID $579.67. I GET 360 METHADONE 10 MG, 185 OXYCODONE 30 MG 75 VALUME 10 MG AND 120 DALUID 8 MG, SO THATS A GREAT PRICE. I appreciate your trying to help me and if u need any help with a great Dr. Or pharmacy U CAN get a hold of me. {edited for privacy}, like I said thank U so much for trying to help and if u want, I'll tell u what happens when I go back to fill, have a blessed day

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you can file a complaint with the DEA as well as Walgreens' corporate. Ck out the Florida Board of Pharmacy meeting held 8/10/15 yesterday - they all lie and no one takes the blame for legitimate patients getting meds. I took videos via my pocket camera and recorded either visits or phone calls to evidence what the pharmacist would say. You can use these with all complaints you file. If you are disabled, file a complaint with the Americans with Disabilities Act and attach your video or statement, with dates, etc.

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Bella, how can I get a hold of you? I have some tricks to help you fill your scripts very easily most of the time. Also I would love to go see your doctor. My email is {edited for privacy}. Message me.

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Sorry they they edited your email. Try sharing information with me on here. Hope to hear from U soon.

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No one gets that much prescribed to them in a month. You are probably a cyber agent seeking to contact patients and subversely solicit from them to get them in trouble. Only a dr. Who wants to lose his license would give you 360 methadones, plus 120 - 8 mg. Dilaudids, and vallium too??? And then would foolishly go online and advertise that you get that much each month?? Even if you were a terminal cancer victim, your dr. Would give you 1 major pain killer only, and maybe a muscle relaxant. No, undercover agent written all over that post. Agents use these online forums, and what a laugh about the privacy in responding. Your IP address can always be traced. Get a life and go get you a real job wherein you don't have to be a liar and a deceiver. You yourself may be a real patient in need one day, and then you just might realize there really is a legitimate need for these properly prescription narcotics, and when properly used, can give some quality of life to those terminal, who really need it.

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I know who I am and what I get sorry U can't get it from your Dr , but I have very real reasons to get what I get, and everyone else was posting the amounts that they get, I'm just needing help with a pharmacy, but I've been getting these meds for a very long time and so does a lot of other people that see this Dr, and I'm not worried about privacy if I could I would leave my e mail and phone number also by the way I do have a job a very good one at that . I'm sure I probably make a lot more money than U .I'm an accountant. Besides that what I do for a living is none of your business. Buty Dr is certified in 50 states so u need to go get a life instead of judging other people that you know nothing about, only God can judge me or anyone else in this world, do please mind your own business thank you very much and have a nice life.

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I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong but 180 tablets is the max of any narcotic prescribed a month, and how on earth could anyone go to a job and work after inj'ing 360 methadones a month and 120 dilaudids a month, not counting the valiums. I do have to add that I'm not against law enforcement regulating and enforcing laws of illegal activity when it comes to the flow of legal and illegal medications, and or drugs, we need their expertise to monitor and put checks and balances in place, and prosecute those bringing harm to others, but I'm against those who try to criminalize all valid need uses for legitimate pain. We all get punished time and time again because of what 1 or 2 people do. These forums are monitored and used by law enforcement agencies to see and tract down patients who really need their prescribed medicine, then once their IP address is known, agents bird dog innocent patients, tapping their phones and invading their privacy, instead of going after, in many cases, those really involved with illegal activity.

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Defensive much???? Why people can't just be upfront about their issues. It's pathetic and really hurting ì mo

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Tried to fill a prescription at a Beaverton, OR Walgreens for Oxycodone prescribed by the attending physician at the hospital where my wife just had an emergency appendectomy. The hospital gave me an official prescription document for 30 .5 mg tablets. The pharmacist said he needed to see if they were out, and quickly came back to say they were out but had capsules, and would that be ok. I said ok, and was told they would need to call the doctor to see if caps were ok. I was told to come back in an hour. An hour plus later, they filled the prescription, but to my surprise, with tablets. I thought that was strange, but now after seeing all the online statements about Walgreens Oxycodone "tricks", I realize this was one of them- to have an excuse to contact the doctor. If they had just said up front they needed to confirm with the Doctor, I would have been OK. No big deal, but this is obviously one of their deceptive tricks. I probably will not go back to them.

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How is your dr. Certified in 50 states, when residence of 2 years is required in every state, is he over 100 years old? Please forgive me if I'm wrong, and I will search it out to make sure, but 180 tablets is the most that any narcotic, legally prescribed I thought in any state. Your business is none of my business, but it throws up a red flag when anyone comes to these forums telling anyone they get all the narcotics that you said that you get, anyone that would get that much would naturally have problems getting it filled. Only hospice patients would come close to getting that much, and their medicine is delivered to their home, and they have to be certified as terminal, before prescribing 3 different amounts of 3 or 4 different narcotics, drs. Will just increase the milligrams of one narcotic to get your pain under control. Whenever you tell people you get Dilaudids, methadone, oxycodone, vallium, opana, or whatever you mentioned, and 320 methadones alone, no one who would take 700 or more narcotics a month, how could they work on that, when just 1 Dilaudid tablet would put to sleep a 300 pound human? It is true, in a book titled: MONKEY OFF MY BACK, The story of Jack Brown, he committed 3500 felonies or more robbing drug stores to support his abuse of opioids, his habit consumed 60 Dilaudids a day, hard to believe, at a time that drs. Working at the rehab place in Lexington Kentucky determined that 8 grains. Of morphine was the most any human could take in a day and stay alive. You might be able to consume large amounts when I consider Jack Brown, who served years in sing sing and other prisons, I realize that some people are burned so bad in car wrecks, and they would have to receive lethal amounts of narcotics to kill their pain, so they are put into medical comas until they heal enough to be placed on moderate narcotic regimen. And by the way, I realize that anyone who posts a response like I did here will be watched and monitored, but that worries me not because I'm already watched and followed every where I go, and my phone is tapped.

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Sherry, i was in car accident which ruptured eight of my vertebrates and have been in pain management for several months now. I am having the exact same problem and have had to use a mail order pharmacy which is costing me $1000 monthly for this one prescription. I actually have great insurance which would cover my medication if i could just find a pharmacy in Hillsborough county or Pinellas county that would fill my oxycodone for me. I am disabled and can no longer afford to pay this kind of money for no reason since i have 100% coverage on prescriptions. My email address is {edited for privacy}. Could you please share this pharmacy information with me so i can get the medication i need? I recently had the first of three spinal fusion surgeries that i must have so it is imperative that i find somewhere to get my medication so i may continue to finish my series of three surgeries. Thank you so very much for your assistance, you just have no idea how much i would appreciate the information.

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I hope this will be helpful. Let me first state that I do not expect to have NO PAIN. Heck, I'm okay with MODERATE PAIN. What I refuse to do is have pain that keeps me from doing normal daily functions like go to work and take care of my family.

The story? I have a "frozen knee" (aka athrofibrosis) where my knee does not bend more than 36 degrees. Functional motion is considered between 0 and 117 degrees and you need at least 60 degrees of motion to walk. I have tried years of physical therapy and have undergone 3 manipulations under anesthetic. Nothing has worked (even though I'm continuing PT at my own expense). Naturally, my whole gait is completely off. I suffer from excruciating ankle pain, hip pain and even shoulder pain because my body is completely "off." I see a very well-known rheumatologist who has proof of my "off-kilter" skeleton and consequently my off kilter muscles and tendons by way of x-rays, MRI's and CT scans. Why not get the knee replaced? I have no insurance and cannot afford a house payment, a used-car payment, food and electric on my salary - much less pay for insurance through Obama-care that has a $10,000.00 deductible (and costs $350.00 per month).

ANYWAY....my doctor used to prescribe 120 ten (10) mg Percocet (10/325 or 10/500) per month. Then the Florida drug Armageddon came and 10 mg were IMPOSSIBLE to get. So he switched me to 180 5mg Percocet (5/325) per month with 50mg tramadol for breakthrough pain. This worked for about 3 years. Then - all of a sudden, the Walgreens pharmacy where I fill ALL of my prescriptions (not just pain medicine) refused to fill both at the same time. Their reasoning was both Rx's were considered "immediate" pain relief and that they would fill one OR the other but not both. While my doctor was very upset with the pharmacists practicing "medicine," we both could understand their point and so we worked out a compromise that seems to be benefiting me and making the pharmacist happy.

I now use a 50mcg Fentanyl patch (we started at 25mcg but it just didn't work) along with Tramadol for break through pain. I find that the Fentanyl flows constantly and I don't have to deal with the "ups" and "downs" of taking the oral medication. Yes - we all know that there is a slight "bump" in our mood/feelings when you take a strong opiate. The Fentanyl patch eliminates that but also eliminates that slow onset of pain that you get while you wait for the proper time to take another pill. NOTE: I felt that Fentanyl wasn't as effective as Percocet, and you may find this to and as such may also need a higher dose.

Couple of words of advice: I see my doctor every three months for checkups and have complete blood work done every 6 months. I also asked my doctor (and gave written permission) to have an open and frank discussion with my pharmacist (who is also the pharmacy manager) about my condition and that fact that it will probably never be fixed . He let her know that fact that I see him regularly (as described above) him and the pharmacist is welcome to contact him anytime. I believe that this consistent and open communication between the three people involved - the doctor, the patient and the pharmacist - is the only way that those of us with chronic pain are going to be able to move forward until cures or fixes for our physical challenges can be achieved.

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I can't say for sure how it is today, but 10 years ago I was getting 360 10mg methadone, 180 norco 10's, 90 klonopin 1 mg, and 90 .5 xanax a month. I promise you I'm not making this up.

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If you are disabled why are you not entitled to Medicare? It's certainly not the greatest but has helped me considerably with the high medical costs my chronic pain creates.

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Words of advice...if you walk into a pharmacy...esp in florida they dont care if your dying at that moment, they just will not fill pain meds alone....i heard its best to transfer all your meds to one place and have them fill everything...if you try to walk in with just pain meds there going to turn you away...i understand not everyone has other meds they need to fill but maybe have your doctor or a primary doctor write you some others to help....its all about saving there asses at the pharmacy....they work off ratios... usually if you have 4 normal scripts and 2 pain scripts they will help you or would be more app to help you....try mom and pop places or if you can find a new pharmacy that hasnt been open for long...they need new customers to keep there doors open....just act normal, dont put on a show...just walk in with all your meds and tell them you would like to transfer all of your medications here....its worked for me numerous times and now i have been filling at the same place for the past year....

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