Walgreens Oxycodone Filling Tricks (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have read all the posts and found that the best way i found is on the 29th of aug i talked to the pharmacy manager and explained the dilemma i was facing and she told me just to transfer all my other scripts to her location and then drop off my oxy script and methadone and that they would order them for me if they were out.Bam ten days later i got a call yesterday that they had my script filled and to come pick them up.Hope this helps those having problems getting their meds filled.Good luck and god bless.

170 Replies (9 Pages)

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look up a program called PAP patient assistance program and then type in the name of the medication in google....its based on your income and will help you pay for your meds or all of your meds....just pretend on the form your low income...they will send you a card in the mail and you just bring that to the pharmacy every time when you go to fill....it worked for me.....

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i am in clearwater,fl and have same issues....and after 30 yrs as a pharmacisst to me they are taking it all too far

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I live in south florida and used to travel an hour south to my dr who i had ever since i started pain management buttt even though he was a good dr i had to change to one closer because i could only fill at one place and he took full advantage. I spent my whole savings paying close to 2 grand a month for my 7 scripts (2 controlled)... i changed to a local dr and still had a hard time finding a place but after a week i finally did. Im scared to change drs even though my meds were greatly decreased and arent sufficent. I would find yourself a local dr. Its hard and i feel its going go stay this way. Its not right that legit pain management patients are being punished and i wish something would change but it wont. Good luck

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I also am having trouble with walgreens .... I have been a customer there for over 5 yrs... I have been on disability for 20 yrs n im only 50. I have bad chronic pain n need surgery on my back n neck but im putting it off due to them giving me problems now w filling norco n soma 2gether. They say its some kind of cocktail people have discovered. Ive been on these meds meds for 20 yrs n. All of a sudden last time i filled they said "oh btw we wont fill these w 2gether anymore !" wtf is going on??? I have lupus, fibro, rhematoid, neck n back disc probs ect... On n on ... These meds are the only ones that help me lead a somewhat normal life... My pain doc has since added fentenyl n a sleeping pill.. I do not abuse these meds n i admit i have filled a day or 2 early from time to time. But by no means do i abuse them. Ive been down that rd b4 n its not fun detoxing cold turkey ! I need the soma to relax my spasms n nothing else works...beleive me as i no you all do ... I did not choose to live in this pain. Its the cards i was dealt n i get frantic close to my dr appts n fear of the pharmacy refusing to fill my meds. I even asked him if he would help me "pharmisist" come off the soma n go down a pill ea month n im willing to work w him n he said ill make that decision when you come in ...... Geeze !!!!! We cant drink, I smoke n started vaping, we all being treated like irresponsible children n at the mercy of these pharmacies who prob dont even no what chronic pain is like !!!! I hate living this way n i no the day is coming when no one will fill any of our meds n then what ??? We all need to stand up for our selves we are grown adults who live in constant pain... We need to do something to make ourselves heard.... Thanx all n we've got to stick together n if anyone knows of a chain pharmacy who doesn't have a prob with filling these meds... I would appreiate ur input. Ox

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Yeah walgreens told me the same thing the last time i tried to fill with them. They said they couldn't fill pain meds with muscle relaxers or pain meds with anxiety meds. He called it a south florida drug cocktail and then he flagged my file so that any walgreens i went to would refuse me. I was with them for years n years. Its not right and i wish there was something we could do to fight back but no one will listen. They think what they are doing is making things better but its making things much worse... then you have the small mom and pop pharmacies charging people 12 dollars per pain pill because they know you cant fill anywhere else. Its disgusting. I wish you all much luck, no one should be treated the way pain patients are treated and just because we are dependent does not make us bad people. They know what will happen if you don't have your meds but they don't care. I wouldn't wish withdrawals on my worst enemy.

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He should not be a pharmacist or in that field if they have a problem filling a prescription that he feels is against his beliefs. I find we are going backwards in our care. I am no young chicken and would not be doing anything if it was not for pain management medications. I have no idea how long I will be on them either. I did go to another MD a specialist in rheumatology for inflammatory medication to help me. We have made so many great discoveries in our country and have sent it to other countries. When we could use this new medical treatment it is denied. You tell me do we have a problem. Where do we stand in the world of our medical treatment and care not good I will tell you. Problem is we have the greatest minds too here, so what are they trying to rid off the ill and elderly here. Everyone here is to make money. I got mine well too bad you do not.

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The problem isn't with the pharmacists as much as it is with the D.E.A. It is our government that is ultimately doing this!!! Of course it is at a pharmacist's discretion whether to fill or not... but think of the weight on their shoulders. They've got the DEA, they've got their company.... it's absolutely ridiculous that this is happening. I just wanted to add that the crux of the problem lies within our government and this "crackdown." Granted, they did a GREAT job getting rid of the shady pill mills in FL (so obviously I'm referencing my state, but I see other people have problems ni other states too)....but now they have created a crisis for people with legitimate, debilitating issues. My neighbor just had surgery. She has terminal illness. She cannot take percocet because of the tylenol in it (this was discovered recently when blood tests showed elevated levels of it in her organs, damaging them further). So her dr. changes her prescription to oxycodone with no tylenol. NOBODY will fill it. I had to drive around for her (she can't drive! She had to stay home) and look for a pharmacy for her. And nobody had it in stock. And the one pharmacist looked at it and didn't even bother to look in her computer, said they couldn't fill the script. Just flat out refused with no reason given. I hate that this is happening. It is going to have to take more of us yelling and screaming for the media to take notice of the problem that has taken place. That they not only stopped all the abusers - they have created an epidemic where people who have legitimate need are treated like they are criminals. That people with legitimate need are being left without, or to drive to hither and yon to try and get their prescriptions. I hate that this is happening. It needs to stop.

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MRSB: THIS IS BELLA, TY FOR THE INFO. IVE BEEN GOING TO THE SAME DR FOR 10 YEARS AND ITS IN Central FL, ANYWAY THE WHOLE TIME I'VE BEEN THERE, UNTIL I MOVED UP NORTH TO HELP MY MOM FOR about A YEAR, THEN AFTER SHE PASSED I CAME BACK HOME IN N. FL, MY DR OF COURSE TOOK ME back with no problem, the thing is BEFORE I moved I've always filled with no problem in Alabama, crazy I know that's a whole other state, problem is when I got back they explained to me that they only get a certain amount, my best friend goes through the same Dr. I go to and the pharmacy I used to go to in Alabama she still goes there, but she never left, so she still has her spot, but since They only get a certain amount, when I left they replaced me and now they don't have enough to help me anymore. SO I FOUND A PLACE ABOUT 30 MIN FROM WHERE I LIVE AND THEY DID IT FOR ONE MONTH FOR ME, BUT THE NEXT MONTH THEY SAID IT WAS A ONE TIME THING. THAT WAS BEFORE I POSTED ON HERE. IT TOOK ME 62 DAYS TO FIND ANOTHER PLACE TO DO IT FOR ME. IM GOING BACK AT THE END OF THIS WEEK AND hoping I HAVE NO MORE PROBLEMS. I HAVE A FEELING I WONT BUT U NEVER KNOW AND FOR ALL THAT I GET I ONLY PAID $579.67. I GET 360 METHADONE 10 MG, 185 OXYCODONE 30 MG 75 VALUME 10 MG AND 120 DALUID 8 MG, SO THATS A GREAT PRICE. I appreciate your trying to help me and if u need any help with a great Dr. Or pharmacy U CAN get a hold of me. {edited for privacy}, like I said thank U so much for trying to help and if u want, I'll tell u what happens when I go back to fill, have a blessed day

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I stand to be corrected if I'm wrong but 180 tablets is the max of any narcotic prescribed a month, and how on earth could anyone go to a job and work after inj'ing 360 methadones a month and 120 dilaudids a month, not counting the valiums. I do have to add that I'm not against law enforcement regulating and enforcing laws of illegal activity when it comes to the flow of legal and illegal medications, and or drugs, we need their expertise to monitor and put checks and balances in place, and prosecute those bringing harm to others, but I'm against those who try to criminalize all valid need uses for legitimate pain. We all get punished time and time again because of what 1 or 2 people do. These forums are monitored and used by law enforcement agencies to see and tract down patients who really need their prescribed medicine, then once their IP address is known, agents bird dog innocent patients, tapping their phones and invading their privacy, instead of going after, in many cases, those really involved with illegal activity.

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Defensive much???? Why people can't just be upfront about their issues. It's pathetic and really hurting ì mo

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Tried to fill a prescription at a Beaverton, OR Walgreens for Oxycodone prescribed by the attending physician at the hospital where my wife just had an emergency appendectomy. The hospital gave me an official prescription document for 30 .5 mg tablets. The pharmacist said he needed to see if they were out, and quickly came back to say they were out but had capsules, and would that be ok. I said ok, and was told they would need to call the doctor to see if caps were ok. I was told to come back in an hour. An hour plus later, they filled the prescription, but to my surprise, with tablets. I thought that was strange, but now after seeing all the online statements about Walgreens Oxycodone "tricks", I realize this was one of them- to have an excuse to contact the doctor. If they had just said up front they needed to confirm with the Doctor, I would have been OK. No big deal, but this is obviously one of their deceptive tricks. I probably will not go back to them.

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In nj the best place and most reliable is CVS pharmacy,I had a friend drive from an hour away because his usual pharmacy at home were all out...they filled his no problem or questions asked,if you have CVS there give it a try and if you become regular customer you should have no problems any longerC

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Let me first say,F@#&! Walgreens:)they always look at you like your a freakn junky and all you want is to fill your Rx that your doc gave you.i tried to explain to them IM A VET,need i say more!?!! So needless to say i found a pharm that doesnt give me the stank eye and they always have what i need,look into Albertsons.you wont be sorry:)sorry for the rant.but jesus,Walgreens!some of us ACTUALLY NEED THEM.

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This is not true. DEA and Board of Pharmacy gives you the right to refuse to fill prescriptions if they are questionable. Too many doctors write 5 or 6 prescriptions for all control drugs. 120 Oxycodone 30mg for pain and 120 oxycodone 15mg for breakthrough pain. Then Soma, Xanax, etc. No pharmacist in their right mind will fill all controls for 1 patient.

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As the saying goes: Before you judge, walk a mile in their shoes.

Most chronic pain sufferers have tried many, MANY therapies/things to help alleviate their pain - NO ONE wants to be a 'pill-popper'. Try some empathy, because until you've experienced pain so severe that you're contemplating taking your life to be rid of it, you have NO idea what you're talking about.

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Almost every pharmacy I've stepped foot in gives me the stink eye, purely & only after seeing the Oxycodone. As a veteran of the USAF, who was injured in a helicopter crash, I get weird looks or questions every month. (Yes, even at the same pharmacy, as they don't retain staff beyond 6-12 months)

They have denied me before, usually followed by me showing them my injury, after I lifted the back of my shirt up, showed where I almost had my spine severed in the crash & explain how I'm lucky to be alive, let alone walking.

Point of this is, I shouldn't have to walk in & show my injury to have my Rx filled. It was written by a doctor. Period. I don't care what you think as a pharmacist, you don't know how I feel, thus, you cannot tell me with a quick glance whether or not I need medication. (Before any of you Pharmacists respond, think of how many times you've dismissed a person without ACTUALLY KNOWING the situation?)

There's a proxy war between doctors and pharmacists, with us patients getting almost all of the collateral damage. Stop overthinking everything & do your job; fill the damn bottle.

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I remember when i was a child Every eve on national news there were reporters on the scene and video of African Americans being Sprayed with FireHoses,having police dogs(Large German Shepards) Sicked on them as well as being Clubbed about the Head Shoulders & Legs Literaly Every Evening. All for simply wanting their unalienable God Given Rights!!! But im Sad to say the reactions i saw all too often was its just the #×$$€£$(african americans). As long as the people watching this far away and in a seemingly upper class and of different color was the only ones being terribly Wronged Discriminated Aganst - well its never going to be us seemed the common attitude.
Before my time i was taught it was only the Red Man and on nazi germany it was only the jews!!
Well as All Even Semi intelligent people have now learned- there but for the grace of God go I- for now!!
But sooner or later it will if left unchecked come to every door!!!
A few short years ago it was Only the Hippies or Junkies- well folks Do these Veterans & Everyday sounding people just wanting what their Medical Drs. Professionals in their fields have decided in their Professional Opinions have deemed these poor hard working country serving people Deserve nay Need!!!
Do thay seem like just Hippies or Just Junkies or Just Jews Or Just Human Beings of Whatever Color or Race???
Or are thay Our Brothers & Sisters in Need of Medecine?? Not Easily Obtained Prescription carrying Humans In Need Of Relief who have followed All of societys guidelines for Proving to Professionals that they are indeed "in need" of said Medecine Drugs or Substances!! Their all the same!! Just different connotations implied.
People Wake Up!!!
When its Your Wife,Husband,Son or Daughter barelydealing with enough pain that those meds are the difference in having a moticum of Quality of Life & Eating the End of A Shotgun Barrell!!
Then It Will Matter To YOU!!!
Repeal The Drug Laws.

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I haven't had a problem with Walgreens and I've been going to them for the past few months. I used to get 240 oxy 30s and was going to a moms and pops that know me but now I get 180 20s a month and Walgreens been good...if they give me a problem I'll just have to go back to paying in cash at the mom and pops pharmacy which I was going to for a couple years so they know me there...btw I just turned 26 so idk how much age factors in...when I was like 21 I would get weird looks

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I know you're going through hell right now, hang in there. Try to find a Walgreen's near a hospital or pain clinic. They're more than likely to have the stronger meds in stock. I would also get a note from your prescribing doctor explaining that you'll be needing these meds for an extended period of time. I would ask to speak with the manager (make sure he's a pharmacist too) give him/her the note and tell the manager what you go through to have these meds filled and you would appreciate if they would please order them for you around the (date of the script) each month. The Walgreen's in Illinois requires the pharmacist tells you if a certain schedule II med is in stock or not. The pharmacy tech can not. Once you get a repore going with the same walgreen's, hopefully the same pharmacist, never (and I mean NEVER) try to fill it one day early. I really hope you find somewhere soon. It'll take some wok but they will fill them for you. You just have to keep looking :-( I wish there were more I could say to help you. If I think of anything, I'll repost.

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I am the retired law enforcememt officer who posted that Walgreens refused to fill my scripts after being a customer there for a year. I did some investigating and even spoke to DEA for 45 min. Seems that Walgreens has gotten into trouble for the way they handle narcotics. I understand a pharmacist in a Walgreens in Tampa was charged with selling oxy.outside the pharmacy. One pharmacy in Ft Myers was under investigation and others around the state had just been shut down as to being able to sell narcotics. Now all this is what I have heard and there hasn't been much in the media about it. But it may explain things a bit even tho I won't shop at Walgreens again if I can help it. Also, I use a pill box,,7 day pill box with 4 containers in each day for morning, noon, evening and night. I believe it really helps prevent accidental overdose. Hope this info helps.

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