Vyvanse Aggression (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Adult daughter showing signs of agression on vyvanse

85 Replies (5 Pages)

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Austin: Good for you for taking your son off the Vyvanse. I believe that the withdrawal symptoms should be gone very shortly, and that they're far easier to deal with than the side effects he experienced while taking the Vyvanse. NOBODY should be that angry and hostile, nor should anybody have to deal with a person who behaves in that fashion.
My son will never have to worry about being heavy (he's skinny as a rail - but still considered healthy)...but his appetite is much better since we took him off Vyvanse and switched him to Dexedrine, and he's growing like a bad weed.
It's been nearly a year since we switched, and so far this school year we've had TWO major incidents with suspensions, as opposed to TWENTY-FIVE the year before, when he was still taking Vyvanse. This year, his teachers report that 'he's an absolute joy to have in the classroom' and that 'we love having him in our class, he's such a neat kid'. Last year, he was described as 'an exceptionally angry and difficult child' and 'unteachable and destined for juvenile detention'. Huge changes, wouldn't you say?!!!!
My personal experience is that all 13 and 14 - year old boys are lazy.. it's called being teenagers LOL.
But seriously, there are at least a dozen other medications available to treat ADHD. Try another one.. if it doesn't work then try another, and another, and another, if necessary, until you find the one that works best for your son. The important part is to keep trying and don't give up hope! Take care :-)

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I'm so sorry that happened. How are things now? I took Vyvanse for about two months and became so unbearable, even to myself.

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I'm 19 and have been taking 20 mg Vyvanse for two years now. Compared to others' responses saying they became aggressive since taking Vyvanse, I've noticed I become angry very rarely... Sometimes I even think I should be angry, but am not. I also have the side-affect of being less hungry all the time, but still the medicine helps me a lot. I can get a lot more done like homework because of it.

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I am so glad to see this entry. I am and add mom with two adhd children 7 and 19. My older one has so much anger towards me for having him and my younger one on adhd meds. My younger one is doing horribly in school and is on the highest dose of concerta I have been trying a raw dairy and grass fed meat diet and supplements but have just run put of money for ANY of the medicine or good foods. I myself have been on vyvanse bc of cfs and ptsd. I go to the VA. EVERY MONTH they screw up getting my medicine to myself and it exacerbates my ptsd. Some VA guy put me on venlafaxine and Omg it was HORRIBLE. I have been going through withdrawals for that for two months and now they are messing with my vyvanse again. I want to get off of it completely but I'm so fatigued without it. Now it has been two days of withdrawal plus my younger son is off his meds and I can't send him to school. I am so depressed and upset and helpless as to what to do bc doctors only seem to be able to repeat what these drug companies say about themselves rather than help. I put my youngest on intuniv that I had on hand from his prescription that I didn't want to give him if possible. It us helping a bit but he is going through withdrawals from concerta....happy thanksgiving to us! I hope to get us all off of this CRAP!!

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I know this is years late but my son has been on vyvance for 1 year 30 mg. he was doing good until 3 weeks ago. I think I found the answer. I started him on Youngevityabetteryou products 3 months ago and he got so much better but I kept him on the vyvance for school. I think the youngevity products helped him so much he needs to come off of the vyvance because it's not needed. I'm going to test it for the next week and see. So far this weekend he's off for two days and no more irritability he's happy as can be.

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My son is 12 and I will be 40 at the end of this week. We are okay taking Vyvanse...or better than when we take nothing to treat ADHD-Combined type. My daughter, however, is a totally different story. She emotionally distanced herself and withdrew from even being hugged. It hurt me and I watched her carefully but what you described is very similar to the effect it had on her. Scary stuff when it's your child. WT hay! Our doctor recommended taking her off immediately and I waited a couple extra days for the Rx to clear her system before returning to titration. Sigh.. She takes 18 mg of Concerta and since it's summer break is on a medication vacation! If she doesn't need to concentrate, I'd rather have her sunny disposition any day than the solemn child she is on any ADHD Rx. She's pretty spunky and bubbly no matter what. If you want my advice, always, ALWAYS get a second opinion. If you have a gut feeling, trust it. I also found we benefit greatly from behavior therapy. This is a commonly recommended treatment plan for ADHD and I can tell you that it WORKS for my children and me. I hope this helps. There is nothing worse than watching your child emotionally detach from you. It's that attachment that nurtures and protects them and it's scary to see them push away something you know they need. God bless you! I'm praying for your family and you.

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Please please check into youngevity products. It has changed my sons life!

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I googled "Youngevityabetteryou products" and could not find exactly what you were speaking of.
I would SO appreciate you letting me know what products you were giving your child, and where I can find them to research and learn about them on the internet.

Could you email me at: {edited for privacy}

Many thank you's in advance....

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My son has been on vyvanse for about 2 years and it has been a nightmare for 90% of it. his aggitation has in creased into full blown violent attacks on me. My son is an otherwise loving young man with a vibrant spirit. This medicine changes him. Unfortunaly he needs it for school, he is so terribly impulsive he can not concencrate, however when the meds wear off towards the end of the day aggitation begins. When he is off for the summer he is fine. I want him off of this horrific medication

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Can you try something else. It's so stomach wrenching. My son did the best on adderall. None of it's any fun. Please see my post. I truly believe that it is going to be linked to violent attacks. For my son at the age 22 when this happened it could have ruined his entire adulthood.

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Good choice! It's hard to come off it when grades are good but there are many more medicines to try! Vyvanse even at as little as 20mg can really take a toll and most people don't realize it's the medicine. Good luck hope if goes well!!

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Wow You're not kidding!!! This is a horrible medication it's really scary! The anger, the sadness, the crying. I felt numb. This medicine is horrible You're right no one should take it!!! My children are my lives and my joy and this monster drug took that feeling away! It's got me messed up

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I'm wondering if it is being over prescribed for the wrong reasons? I have adult add and more than likely have had it all my life and it is just life changing. I do notice more impatience but I have leared to be very controlled ans recognize the effects it can cause before it's a problem. Easier for an adult for sure.

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My husband of 30 years has ADHD and depression. He is on Vyvanse 70 mg. He was formerly a sweet and loving man but he has become aggressive and verbally abusive. When I suggest he speak to his doctor he tells me to let his doc handle it. He is in denial because he thinks this med helps him. But he doesn't see what we see and I don't want to get divorced. Don't know what to do. My husband just seems to be a different person; so impatient

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I am having similar problems with my husband of 30 years; please read my post

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5 years old in my opinion is too early to start a child on strong Amphetamines. I'm sure the M.D tried the non-habit forming 1st. But at 5 years old just trying to get answers from the child would very difficult I'd think. I'm not a Doctor or Pharmacist, but I've been on Ritalin, & around age 18 on Adderall. Some of those symptoms can be permanent, luckily he only took the medication for a few days. I'm sure once the drugs completely out he'll be fine & no ticks.

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Re: Mom of Three (# 72) Expand Referenced Message

The reason she is so difficult in the evening is because the stimulant has worn off. This creates condition in brain chemistry where neurotransmitters are imbalanced. It has nothing to do with stress at school.

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I stopped using Vyvanse about three months ago because the side effects were becoming unbearable. I suffered from insomnia, extreme sensitivity to sound and light, anger, and panic attacks which would leave me temporarily paralyzed. When I started having suicidal thoughts, I knew I had to stop taking the drug. Since I stopped taking Vyvanse, I feel like myself again, and urge people NEVER to take this drug!

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I am the one who stopped taking the vyvance because my feet are killing me all the time and the lower back also. Update 3-21-12. I have no longer scabs in my head from picking. But then I got a cream for it and some hydrocortizone pills so I won't itch. I did go from
125 pounds to 140 pound and I am 5 feet 2 inches. And since I can't do anything with my feet I have to join the gym after my cruise this week and do everything else like swim and recumbent bike and other things to keep me down. I am in a better mood and getting an appitite for sex. LOL

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I stopped taking my ADHD medicine and it help a little with my feet pain. I still need the therapy and parafin and other treatments. But still on the cymbalta. I aslo notice that I have been skin picking. I wonder if that has to do with cymbalta.

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