Viibryd For Anxiety


Im now on my 6th day of the 40mg of viibryd. Im using the starter pack like everyone else. I'm on viibryd for OCD so since starting the 40mg I have noticed a decrease in obsessive thoughts. At first the 10 mg and 20mg made my obsessive thoughts worse but now at the therapeutic dose I can feel like I'm slowly getting better. Only side effects I've gotten is increased bowel movements, extremely vivid dreams and some lethargy which is good if your OCD and your always obsessing. I feel confident that this medicine will work and I might even ask to go up to 60mg just so my OCD can be manageable.

3 Replies

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hi, Steve! I'm very glad that the Viibryd is working for you and you also have a fantastic attitude!

It's great of you to post about your positive experience, far too many times the only posts made online are from those that are having problems with something. Glowing reviews rarely get shared.

The side effects you're experiencing, especially the bowel movement issue, will most likely improve after you've been on one steady dose for 4 to 6 weeks, so your body can fully adjust to the medication.

Learn more Viibryd details here.

Does anyone else have an experience with this drug to share?

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Hi are you still on viibryd please let me know

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Obsessive fearfull thoughts controlled my mind. Told Doc that after 2 weeks there was NO progress. He commented that it had only been 14 days. The very next morning, BAM! No obsessive thoughts AT ALL. The hopeless problems that the anxiety clamped onto became nothing but problems, not terrors anymore! Incessant worry vanished over night. I never thought that I could ever feel this good.
I'm on 20 mg and I may try to go up to 30 mg just because the depression seems to be hanging on a little bit still. But, even if the depression doesn't totally disappear, the stunning relief from terrifying obsessive thoughts will be plenty enough for me. They say that the GI symptoms will go away in time. I surely hope that isn't true, since the more frequent bowel movements are another Viibryd miracle for me.
I finally found out that my anxiety and my problems are two very separate things.
Hope more folks get the relief that I have experienced.

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