Valdoxan (Top voted first)



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when will this stuff be available to the public? i've been reading about it for the past 2 1/2 years; I really need something to replace my get my libido back...if it works like they say.

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It is very hard to say, it can take years between conception, testing, and approval by the FDA before something ever makes it out into the drug stores to be prescribed and used.

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yeah, but it already has a trade mame(s), and it's in phase 4 clinical trials. novartis lists it in 2008, but i don't know if that's the actual release date or the date they will apply to the fda.

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Try Lexapro, my friend says he had no as as many sexual problems as with aropax

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Well, I am sorry, I don't know what else to tell you. If it is only know in Phase 4 trials, it is likely there will be a few more years before FDA reviewing is done and the drug possibly making it onto the market.

Have you talked to your doctor about this problem? There are other options available that you can try that may not affect your sex life as badly as Paroxetine, or you may simply need to lower your dosage.

When my husband was on a higher dosage, he had a slight problem, but then they cut his dosage back down to 20mgs, he hasn't had anymore problems.

I use Zoloft (Sertraline) and haven't had any problems with it.

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yes, but i think all these antidepressants have sexual side effects. the thiung for me is the paxil is more for generalized anxiety than depression, and these other drugs like prozac, zoloft, and even effexor just don't handle the anxiety well-i fact, they all tend to make me even ore edgy and nervous. valdoxone is recruiting for a stage three clinical trial with an 18 month the situation is even worse than i thought! it could be three to four more years till it gets to market and even then a lot of doctors don't like to prescribe new meds..they want to see how it does first in a large patient population.

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i've talked with every doctor about the troubles. and they always suggest the same two or three drugs that I've already tried and know don'twork. maybe i'll try an harbilist pharmacy in chinatown. btw, the chinese say they have a powerful new antidepressant ready for testing and it haas no appreciable side effects. they have ten times our population, so the potential market there for effective drugs is huge! i think we'll be seeing more products being developed by them because they have such a need with their rapid industrialization going on. it's creating, form what i've read, a lot of mmental health problems in the population.

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current psychiatry = a crap shoot.
well we can try this... for$175 a half hour, that's just the advice i want to hear! btw, lexipro nearly did me in... twice! bad stuff. suggest people stay away from it. my motto now is: before you 'blame' yourself for getting crazy, blame the meds.

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on 20 mg paxil it takes me about 10 to 12 times as long to have an orgasm. i've timed it. that's a lot of effort!

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Yes, most of them do have some type of sexual side effects, however, they can affect each person differently, so some people's reactions are not as severe as yours.

As you have tried the other options already, I am not sure what else I can tell you, sorry.

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well, thanks. smokin weed makes me horny, but where i live it's still very illegal, and women i've dated won't put up with it because they're old and don't want to understand

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