Unnecessary Neurontin
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Can someone tell me why someone would take Neurontin if they do not need it? My daughter is a drug abuser...I do not know why or how she got this med but she has no need for it but takes handfuls of these pills. or..when she has Xanax, she'll take those as well...what effects is she having from this? Apparently, she has an issue with downers so I'm just wondering...And what are the effects of her stopping these cold turkey? Is it possible to OD on these drugs as in just falling asleep? She also has been known to take liquid G as well on many occasions...wonderful combination.

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Your daughter is very lucky to have mother that cares so much my mother was homeless and drowned in a river last year and was very selfish. But with your daughter she's making herself feel high off the neurontin and Xanax... and to feel high off the neurontin you have to take handfuls and eventually you grow a tolerance so U have to take more and mix it with other substances a benzo or an opiate being two of them. I'm sorry your daughter doesn't know how lucky she is. To have a careing mother hope this helped a bit.

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I was an opiate abuser and would take gabapentin to help alleviate some withdrawal symptoms. A few people in my circle also used for the same reason. It does seem to give a high , a somewhat loopy feeling. Its not unpleasant but a mild feeling of well being. If you take to much it can feel speedy and nervous. If she feels withdrawal she may be using the gaba as a way to combat those symptoms.

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Thanks for your reply. I have had talks with her over the years, she agrees that she has a problem but can manage it herself. Of course that lasts for a few weeks and she finds something to take again because most likely she has more symptoms of anxiety, etc. Her BF says he is tired of it every now and then but he enables her repeatedly. He fights with her, leaves fir a few days but ends up back with her. He has a drug problem as well so he is not about to do what is needed. The last time was November and he was all set to do what was needed but threw me under the bus. His plan? Lol...have her sign a "contract" stating if she does ot again he will leave and take the baby. Idiot thought that would work aftef me telling him over and over that she needs intense rehab & therapy to get over it. I imagine that what holds them back is fear...of life, of abstinance, of loss of friends, not being able to function (as if they are now) etc. So i backed off from talking about it with eithet one of them. The neurontin us relatively new but i just didnt know what kind of high she gets from it.

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Hi, Nina! Sorry to hear about your daughter.

If she's a drug abuser, then I believe you've already answered your own question about why she'd take something that she doesn't need.

Neurontin contains the active ingredient Gabapentin, it's actually an anticonvulsant that has also been shown to help with some mood disorders and certain types of nerve pain….and I think that is where the issue probably arises. People that aren't familiar with it, often think it is an opiate narcotic, since it treats pain or they think it is similar to Xanax, since it treats some mood disorders.

As a matter of fact, the monograph that used to come with the prescriptions for it at one point had a warning on it that people that were prone to abusing medications might also be prone to abusing Neurontin, as well. I am not sure if that warning is still on them, though.

And I would imagine that if she's taking them by the handful, she's likely getting tired and dizzy, so she may think it's making her high.

Learn more Neurontin details here.

Xanax is a benzodiazepine, it can affect some people differently, such as causing a high like feeling or euphoria, so that may be why she abuses it and takes so much.

Learn more Xanax details here.

One big danger to taking so much of either of these is due to the fact that they can both cause depression of the central nervous system, which not only can result in falling asleep as you mentioned, but shallow breathing, lowered heart rate, lowered blood pressure….and if that goes too far, it could cause heart and/or lung failure which has the potential to be fatal.

Taking larges amounts of them or taking them for a long period of time, then suddenly stopping because she runs out also has the potential to be very dangerous because the withdrawal effects from either one causes the risk of seizures.

Is there any way to get her some help?

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