Tremadol Hcl 50mg Tablet
Updatediam not sure ?
4 Replies
I take TREMADOL as a pain relief i suffer from a servere backacke and an unrearabale pain that comes from top to down of my left leg I can neither stand up nor walk I don`t know this morning I took INDOLAN 2 G IT`S now 2 hours and I`m intendin to take TREMADOL AS i STILL FEEL THE PAIN
Just to make it easier for you to find information on it, I will let you know that the correct speling is Tramadol.
Tramadol is derived from a narcotic and therefore listed as a Schedule II drug, however, it does not work like a narcotic, it works like an anti-inflammatory.
As to the other drug you referred to, I cannot find any information on that one.
thanx vermon for your response unfotunately for me even tramadol couldn`t alleviate my pain therefore muy doctor prescribed for me synacthen-depot , 1 injection a day for six days it`s true I feel better I mean the pain but what bothers me is the use of Corticosteroids with the harmful side effects I don`t know if this treatmen is just an ephemeral painkiller or can work as a cure to my acute exacerbations I wtsh
Tramadol is a narcotic med that works on the mu receptors. The Mu receptos are more common in femaies. They are a Legend Drug and schedule 4 unstead of the usual narcotic scedule 2 I've been told. It meant one was getting in trouble if it is not in a presription bottle if you are questioned by Police. It is used for pain in people who are not used to stronger narcotics for pain or chronic pain.
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