Tramadol For Methadone Withdrawal
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Ive been battling the monster methadone for about 3 years now and I'm sick of it. I tapered down to 20mg a day and ran out. After trying elimodrol and withdrawal ease supplements and feeling OK for the first 2 days, I thought cool I will be OK. Hell no, day three my body told me that stuff ain't doing anything. I had a bottle of tramadol so I took about 250 mg and after 30 min I noticed I was sitting still and not wanting to jump out of my skin. WOW. So now I've been doing the same for 4 days and still alright. Is it too good to be true? Am I just trading one for the other or can it really help? I am sole provider of my wife and two young kids, so missing alot of work to go detox is out of the question. And cold turkey I can't handle right now. Anyone been here before?, more info and knowledge is what I need and freedom from this monkey on my back. And a legit pharmacy hook up for the non-narcotics would be helpful also. Help I'm super stressing on all of this!!!
12 Replies
I know how you feel. Been there. If you want off now without depending on another to find out you're addicted again, give "Vivatrol" a chance. Maybe a couple days detox but it takes the urge away. I believe it's an inj. once per month, depending on how many mgs you were on as to how rough the couple days of detox will be. After the short detox you won't have the urge. Take the inj's. as long as you need it. Talk to your doctor as soon as you can. They will get you started quickly. The nasty urge won't be there and no sickness. More power to you. You got the will to stop, you can do this. God bless you and yours. Also, the power of prayer doesn't hurt at all.
Tramadol 50 mg. Can be very effective to get you through withdrawals. Take 2 to 3 of them 3 times a day, no more than 9 a day to keep from going thru withdrawals. After the first two days, taper down to 2 3x daily, then after a couple more days taper to 2 2x daily, then the last couple of days take 1 3x daily, then 1 twice daily and after a couple of weeks get off of them because they can become addicting. Also, be careful about taking large quantities of this drug because it can cause seizures. This helps your opioid receptors in your brain get an opioid back in your system while you are withdrawing. This does work and is safe as long as you be careful not to take too many at once and make sure you taper off or you can get yourself a tramadol addiction! Take plenty of warm baths with epsom salt and lavender oil to de-stress and calm down. Now this is what helped a few people that went through opioid withdrawals. Not coming from a MD. Good luck and use precaution on the tramadol.
Tramadol is very effective but you should be very careful about the intake and consume it only according to the doctor's prescription.
Re: David (# 1)
Try coming off the tramadol bit by bit you only go through really 1 bad day.... not has bad as the methadone
Re: Sameoldbs (# 7)
If you really are serious about stopping, then ask your doctor about vivatrol. Once a month injection, I believe. Since your already on a withdrawal, then vivatrol will stop the opiot urge. If you were still taking the methadone, then a couple of days withdrawal with vivatrol. But your ahead. Probably little sick if at all. Ask your doctor asap. I went down from 180mgs of meth. Not as fast as you. But the love of my son helped me go down to 10mgs. I didn't want my son to have an addicted mother. Mind over matter. But don't make yourself suffer you'll find it harder to deal with life. Want off now? Try vivatrol. So glad to hear others want off the drugs for their kids. God bless you and your soon gift of God. Peace be with you!
WOW that is an insanely epic taper schedule god bless yah for making this decision.i understand you have some mitigating circumstances and a wonderful incentive in having a child.That said, tramadol Norco or any lesser Rx probably will have very little beneficial effect since clonodine is already being rxd.dipenhydramine and Imodium are OTC preps that may help ease the gastrointestinal and sleeplessness but since your scheduled for a follow-up with your clonodine prescriber it may be best to have him reevaluate you if you can hold out until then. whatever you choose I give you mad props for hanging in there.we all know the iron grip that methadone can hold especially during and following the detoxification let us know how you make out when your up to it........with much respect....take care Kenie.
Nevermind tried it, no go. Just guna wait for the doctor
Hello, I have been a MMT patient for two years, due to family issues and other circumstances I had to get off fast. I also have a baby coming soon and really just want to be sober for the occasion. I did a 10 day detox which is just insane, doctor thought so too but hey I have no choice and I want to see my son clean for the first time and my I could lose my job if I don't get off. I am now on day two with nothing but Clonidine that my doctor has prescribed for me. The clonidine is a miracle as far as treating some symptoms go, but trust me, still very uncomfortable and in pain. I see the doctor again in 2 days. I was on 115 mg daily for 2 years, I went from 115 to 0 in 10 days, I am now on day 2 since my last dose, only taking clonidine .2 mg 3 times a day. My question is, would taking tramadol or narcos even be worth it at this point, for any relief? since I did drop such a high dose in 10 days, I went day 1: 115 day 2: 99 mg day 3: 88 and so on til 5 mg then 0 and here I am today. And I know I was crazy for even doing this, so please no responses telling me I was wrong and should have tapered longer, I know that, I have serious circumstances other than my child. So I know. Thanks. For extra info about me: heavy opiate use for 4 years, heavy opioid use (pills) for another 6 and also consumed marijuana for 14 years daily. So I know drugs, I just ended all my addictions with methadone, and now this crap. Thanks.
Its day7 from 200 mg methadone cold turkey. Im in mexico so im getting lyrica and tramadol. 850 mg lyrica and 400 mg tramadol and no withdrawl symptoms. I dont feel the greatest but im not sick. So hopefully i can beat this monster
I am on my 12th day of withdrawal from 13 years of methadone prescribed for pain and am taking a few tramadol a day. So far so good and anxiety is the worst. Leg pains have stopped and feeling a lot better.
I am in treatment FOR tramadol addiction. 25 years I took it, It got so bad, meaning the longer u take it the more u take, but it got so bad I started having seizures. My addiction to tramadol costed me everything. Tramadol is no different than any other pain pill addiction. The withdrawels from tramadol is like no other. I have been in 30 day lock up rehab and detox after I got out of the hospital, I had Two weeks to get myself in check before going back to work, after the detox, rehab and two extra weeks at home, I was stiill very very sick, so I had to start back taking them so I could work. I tried for years to get help, doctors do not know how bad tramadol is. The doctor at Crossroads methadone clinic said he is seeing alot of tramadol addicts because M.Ds dont know the risks. All they know is it is not a narcotic. Well, it is a synthetic. He also told me tramadol is worse to come off of out of all other drugs, he compared it to coming off H. So, if I were you I would stick to the methadone maintanance and stay away from tramadol. Its not worth it!!!
From what I've been reading online, "Tramadol is considered to be just as effective as methadone for managing opioid withdrawal, and may even be considered a potential substitute for methadone in such cases."
Referenced from:
Hopefully this helps validate your decision to start taking tramadol. At the end of the day, even if it seems like you're trading one addiction for another, it's really how you feel that counts.
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