Total 15mg Dose Of Anxit Sleeping Pill
UpdatedIs a 15mg dose of anxit tablet dangerous? Anxit is a sleeping pill..
3 Replies
Depends on the person and his body functioning system. This med is usually prescribed for anxiety and panic attack relief. And is a temporary med to be taken with other therapy. although deaths are reported at higher doses but in very few individuals it is unlikely, but probable. although taking such a high dose will lead to permanent brain damage... organ failure..hosts of internal organ problems and can definitely lead to coma. if you are troubled in any way and are under severe depression(i have been through it too)..ther are many other ways of handling this. stop dwelling on ur negative minimal exercises at home...expose urself to the outside world little by little...i assure you u will not have such negative thoughts. but remember the most important thing is to believe in urself and start taking action. start doing...doesnt matter what..just start doing something and keep ur mind occupied. you are born in this world for a have a purpose ....u might not know it yet...but no matter how difficult the road to salvation is...keep walking. it'll be worth it. tc and godspeed!!
Is it harmful if you take a lot of Anxit tablets at once?
Plz inform me about any high powered sleeping pills.
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