Tincture Of Opium
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As a child my mother used to give me 10 drops to control stomach upsets. Now as an adult I take it for uncontrolled diarrhea due to surviving colorrhectal cancer and stool incontinence. I cannot find it anywhere. I used to buy it in Florida and a pharmacy in Canada does not supply it. Please help.

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Re: Chasenben (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Walgreens always sucked.

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Re: Chasenben (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry, but I am in the same boat. I have done pharmacy shopping and was able to get a little bit of what was leftover in stock. It is no longer being manufactured. There is no expected date that it will start to be manufactured again.

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I am prescribed Tincture of Opium and you definitely can't walk in with a script and leave with your Meds. But any legit Drugstore can order it, I had a little trouble at first because it took 5-6 days to come in but once I notified the pharmacist I was going to need it filled monthly, he ordered it every month so it was there when I needed it. Good Luck P.S Some drugstores don't want all the work for 1 customer and will lie and say they never even heard of it and cannot order it ( my experience with Walgreens ). Try Rite aid

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