The Medicine Save The Baby (Page 3)


Is the formula for Lee's Save the Baby (liquid in the glass bottle NOT the rub on salve) patent protected, does anyone know how to obtain the formula

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petroleum, camphor, oregano, rosemary and balsam oils
My mother always had it on hand, and I still keep a jar at home-IT WORKS

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If you can't find it in a drugstore, try Ely Drugs Medical Supply on the web

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Are you willing to share your mothers recipe ? Please

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Found your post from 2013 and wondered if you still have the two bottles of Save the Baby? I've been looking for it for 40 years. That was about the time my kids left home! LOL

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Where can we find the Save The Baby at?

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Anymore specific on how to make your own and what percentages of other ingredients?

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My mother used it on me and my sister back in the 60's. It works. I loved it. Wished i could have found it in the 80's to use with my children. FDA--get out of the way and approve thus formula. Let's bring it back. Lee's Save The Baby Oil.

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I have a old bottle of save the baby. Small clear bottle with a red cap. Still half full of white thick almost liquid. Labels in tact and legible.

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Ms Laura, I'm checking to see if you still know where to find bottles of Save the baby? I would be interested in finding it for my grandson who suffers from Ashma and I know it works because I have tried it on my children who used to have Ashma and it cured them

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can't tell you how many times save the baby made me feel so much better as a child my mother would heat it up rub it onto my chest and put a warm towel on my chest over it. Save the baby helped me get through the night and help me breathe helped calm my cough. I think it was a great medicine I understand taken internally was not such a good thing. the rub was a wonderful thing . miss it and wish they still made it!

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Never taken internally,always a rub. Broke up congestion overnight.

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My Mother used to do that too.

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I have the original box and bottle of save the baby!!! If any one can bring it back please do! Box in excellent shape with ingredients very clear.

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I remember my mother giving me save the baby back in the '50's. She also gave me a gob of Vick's vapo rub and sugar orally. YUCK!!!! I can still taste it. But it worked!

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I have a one oz Amber colored bottle of Save the Baby from 1939. Did anyone ever see the amber bottle?

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Oh my, how right you are. I was led to this discussion group while searching for Save the Baby. Too bad it is no longer on the market!

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The original (that I used on my kids) had lard as the grease base.

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YUP! That's just how my mom did it! I wish it was still around! Nothing beat it! :-(

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I remember my godmother telling me as an infant I was critically sick from upper respiratory infection and she ran to drugstore in town and n ought save the babys as it worked for me Thank God! So I was curious as to what was in it. I was I my six months old then !! Funny how one product was used for all! LOL.

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If you still have that would you please post a picture of the ingredients or list them for me? Even if I don't have the amounts it would be great to know what was in it. Please and thank you.

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