Tedral Magnified Senses (Page 3)


I thought i was mentally unbalanced. Seeing enlargements of real life in front of me. Increased hearing sensitivity. Shrinking rooms in front of me own eyes. For years thinking it was me. An unbalanced. Self. It all stopped as i got older until one day I was having an asthmatic condition and took the medicine the doctor had me take 3 times a day! Tedral!. The truck in front of my eyes, as i worked on the engine, seemed to shrink like what happened 5 ears previously. when I was taken tedral regularly. I wasn't crazy after all--- It was the medicine! Anyone else experience shrinking heads, feelings of speed' before the term existed? Why was it taken off the market? Everyone have these problems? It would be nice to hear from others about their Tedral experience. This occurred 1952 through 1968

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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I always wondered what happened to the spiders running around the ceiling when I was a child drinking thick yellow asthma m medicine. I thought it was only me and they were real. Used to use Teddy bears to protect me. Used from 4 years old until primitine. Mist came out.

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Was prescribed Tedral SA (12 hour tablets) around 1960 for asthma. Had lived through episodes of spending up to a week in an oxygen tent in a local hospital when aged 3 to 5. They freaking gave you penicillin for that then. Don't know why. I survived and swear to this day it was due to the effectiveness of the Tedral SA which completely arrested those attacks even after they began. Eventually outgrew asthma (late teens into early 20s) and no further need but thankful for that medication and honestly believe it's the reason I'm still around after all this time. Damn the side effects . . . mostly rapid heart rate and confusion, it was a god-send for me.

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I an a 53 year old female too. I remember the awful taste of tedral and would take it as a last resort for asthma attacks. I never craved this medicine. In fact I hated it. However, it worked to relieve the acute asthma flare episode I was experiencing. I remember it tasted a bit like black licorice but ohh it was so thick and gross. How In the world did people become addicted to this Med? I think if you can become addicted to nasty tedral then you must be able to become addicted to bread. Who wants to feel shaky and out of sorts?

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I also took tedral on the late 50's for asthma and experienced similar side effects including hallucinations, but without the medication I'm not sure I would've lived. Our family doctor still made house calls and I can remember her coming to our house at all hours of the night to save my life. She was something else. I think the Tedral was the reinforcement if the adrenalin wasn't able to restore normal breathing.
I had blanket with Cowboys and Indians on it and clearly remember those characters coming to life after a treatment. I had a recurring, though infrequent, dream that I was being chased by a giant though stacks of books, which also started after an asthma attack Dr visit. I would awake in a cold sweat just before being caught. That nightmare eventually went away.
Someone else mentioned they remember getting adrenalin shots. I do too. That was normally the first course of action in my time of need; Tedral was the cavalry. I don't recall taking daily doses of Tedral, just in emergency.
I remember my family visiting the Catskill Game Farm and me having an asthma attack. My father had to beg a pharmacist, who actually came out to our car to see my condition, to give him 1 tedral, so we could make it back to LI. We lived just east of JFK airport, in Valley Stream. That pharmacist not only put his career in jeopardy, he may have saved my life.
I can't imagine I'd be alive today were it not for Tedral and while I'm sorry to hear others had such debilitating side effects, I imagine no drug is 100% without side affects. In my situation, it was the only alternative we were aware of. The wound up, wired frenzy of taking Tedral was followed by drained, tired, peaceful sleep. Dr Elaine Brown will always be my hero.

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I was given injections for asthma from about 1961-1968. My best guess for the spelling of the drug is anerjex. I have been unable to find out anything about this. I do not know if this is just a brand name for something else but I have experienced many of the side effects for Tedral. My concern is for the long term side effects. Can anyone help?

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I was given tedral from age 5 to 17 1952-1963 when my asthma attacks stopped. I remember my heart would be so fast, I felt like I had so much energy I couldn't sit still. Today I have a fast heart beat usually 85-90 a minute, and always had insomnia. I dont know if it was from tedrals or not.

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My mom gave me tedral for my asthma, and I gagged because it was horrible to taste, she gave me a cup of soda afterwards, we kept it refrigerated, if I ws misbehaving Mom would threaten me wth it.

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I took tedral in the 60's and another drug which was a smaller pill with a brown coating. I suffered mostly unpleasant hallucinations when I was small and they were not always when I was sick. I no longer have the life threating athsma as I did when I was a child. Over time my inquiries about the hallucinations were never answered. So it is interesting to read about others experiences here. I always thought it was a combination of the drugs and the reduced oxygen and air in my body. I think tedral probably saved my life also. The halluncinations very occasionally revisit me as I am falling asleep and if i am becoming ill.

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I used to take tedral for asthma up until the age of 17. Taking a full tablet always gave me the nausea, tremors and racing heart and a rattly chest. I soon learned to titrate the dose with what I learned I could determine the severity of the attack. I would break the tablets up into small pieces and usually only take a quarter of a tablet as needed. I worked within 15 minutes and then had no side effects but the asthma was gone. For me a much smaller does was all that was sufficient. For me it was the drug of choice and I never had any addiction problems or side effects if I took only a quarter of the small white tablet. They should have kept it on the market but in vastly reduced concentration. I finally threw out my tablets probably in the late 80's early 90's as I had not had an attack of asthma for about 20 years. i have been asthma free for over 40 years now.

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I too have suffered the exact same symptoms. I'm now 60, educated and could never keep a job more than a year. I get excited very easily and my adrenalin goes through the roof. Thoughts race so badly I go nights without sleep. Meditation helped with the racing thoughts but not the other symptoms.

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Singulair did that to me?? I was told "It'll help your asthma". No, it didn't. It just made me go crazy. Twice. Fifteen years apart. I stopped it and reported it to the adverse reaction website. Dr wouldn't believe me. I no longer see her, or the original one from 15 years ago. Sometimes, you have to do what is best for you. Especially if there is no support from your provider.

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I was given tedral in 1955 to 1957 (until we moved to phoenix for my asthma at age 5). All i remember is standing over the toilet and throwing up 3 times a day!! Happy to get off it at age 5.

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As a child, age 4 or 5 back in 1966 / 1967 I had asthma and remember seeing spiders and crawling insects at night whether my eyes were closed or open. I thought all my life thereafter that I had Asthma with hallucinating. ...Now I am researching to find out if this was from phenobarbitol. I am 55 years old now with many drug sensitivities or possible CYP450 gene variations in drug metabolism.

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I used this drug during the 60's and 70's for asthma, which I eventually grew out of. For me it was a fantastic drug once I learned to titrate the amount I would take with the severity of the onset of asthma. Taking too much I experienced the racing heart, tremors etc which dissipated after a day or so. I would often only take a quarter of a tablet as that was often all I needed to breath easily, then I had not after or side effects. For a young person the dosage of a whole tablet was too concentrated so that was why I titrated it to a smaller portion.

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I never had any mind altering sessions per say. It took my asthma symptoms away faster than anything I have taken since. I have never done recreational drugs but man could I plow through my housework in nothing flat. It did seem to help calm my anxiety and improve my focus also.

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I was on Tedral from roughly the age of 4 until I outgrew my asthma around the age of 12. I started on the thick, yellow, licorice-flavored liquid and it was beyond NASTY! (I can't even tolerate the smell of black licorice to this day!) I eventually was switched to the pill form. I also received injections for allergies bi-weekly. I can't say that I experienced any hallucinations or the other side effects previously noted (I don't doubt that those experiences are true as people often respond to drugs differently and the drug itself has been pulled from the market). All that I can say is that for me, the drug was effective without any side effects that I can recall.

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Yes, been there done that.

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Re: Nance (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

I took it for 10 years and my resting heart rate is 90

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I'm wondering if anyone has had long term side effects from Tedral. I started taking it when I was 6 months old until they stopped making it. I was 35. Now 20 years later, I'm suffering from chronic, severe headaches and migraines that started when I stopped Tedral. Everyday for 20 years. I wonder if taking Tedral effected or alerted the chemicals in my brain since Tedral was present during my childhood brain development and well into adulthood. So taking it away, left my brain starved for something that it wasn't used to making on it's own. That's just a theory. But 20 years of suffering "withdrawal" type symptoms has to be more than withdrawal!

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