Suboxone Tricare
Updateddoes tricare cover suboxone precriptions
3 Replies
From what I can find on their website, it will cover the 0.5mg or 2mg Sublingual Suboxone tablets, with a co-payment of $9 per prescription, with no medical need form necessary, though this may vary for members who are actively in uniform.
It, of course, must be from an approved doctor at an approved prescribing facility.
Is there anything else I can help you with?
I am out of suboxone today, took 5 more than prescribed. I cannot get hold of my sub. doctor. my appt. is not until
Saturday. Im really scared, and need to know what to do i cant be sick now i have too much going on in life. daughters in jail, starting rehab, moms sick, dad died, etc.
someone please help?
Being on Tricare myself they would not pay for suboxone. They would however cover eight milligrams subutex or the generic buprenorphine tablet 8 milligram. And the price whether you get 7 pills or 60 pills is $10 copay at an actual Pharmacy
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