Suboxone To Fentynal For Pain Mgmt (Top voted first)
UpdatedI'm a chronic pain pt. I was on 16 mg of sub for pain for 2 straight years. It completely stopped working, when in the beginning it worked "good enough" now, my dr is a pain specialist and suboxone dr. He put me on a fentynal patch 25 mcg told me to take my last dose of sub and put patch on at same time because sub should b mostly out of my system within 12 hrs. I had no problem switching but a little wd from the sub. It is only day 4....dr said 40% of your opiod receptors r still open on sub!!! It only fills 60% of them. Still, enough to block most opiates, except very high doses. Now, I am just starting to feel the fentynal on day 4. But am still in moderate/sometimes severe pain. Anyone with a similar experience????
2 Replies
Hi Painpatient38,
I haven't personally had an experience with either of the medications you've mentioned, but I will do my best to give helpful advice.
From what it sounds like, you're pretty close to getting all of the Suboxone out of your system- since you are starting to notice withdrawals. Since you've had such a long history with Suboxone, it may just be taking your body longer than expected to dispose of all of it. You mentioned that you've just started to feel the Fentanyl, my guess is that you may start to feel it even more in the next few days when your system flushes out more of the Suboxone. I recommend that you stay very hydrated, to speed up the process of detoxification, so you'll hopefully start to feel the Fentanyl faster. I'd also ask your doctor if it would be ok for you to take some Ibuprofen to manage any extra pain until the Suboxone is gone completely. The combination of Ibuprofen and Fentanyl is only meant for short term use, but I imagine that it won't be too long before you start feeling the full effects of the Fentanyl.
You can learn more about this drug on the page for Fentanyl Details
I hope this helps!
Thank you. He had me add Tylenol to the mix at the moment. But I hate this crazy shaky feeling!!!! Also, the pain is OK enough. Not taken care of by any means, still having some rough moments, but ill grab some Gatorade today and I move until I can't take it anymore as it is ;) I've read other people saying the sub didn't leave them for up to 90 days!!!! That's just crazy! Thanks for your advice!!
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