Suboxone Sublingual Film/ How Long?


I took about 1/4 of a suboxone 8mg film at about 8:30 this morning. Of I take a 30mg roxy at 10:30 tonight, will I feel it or will it be a waisted.

3 Replies

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Yes, it will. You should give it at least 48 hrs after your last Sub. I know..I tried. I wasted 8 15 mg. oxys because I couldn't wait! Hope this helps!

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Other reports here on the account of personal experience suggest that one only needs to wait a minimum of 12-24 hours in order to feel effects from opiates after suboxone. My assumption is that these figures are probably based on how often you take suboxone and how much you typically take when you do take it. So all I'm reiterating here is that there's no specific waiting period that'll work for each and every individual. One should probably use their own best judgement while also taking into consideration our different metabolisms, drug half life, body chemistry and so forth, because they all interplay with one another in the outcome of your experience. However it may go without saying that the longer you wait the better your chances may be for getting the most out of your pain medication.

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I can take 2 mg of suboxone at 8 am and if I take a roxy 30 later in the day I will feel it. People say to wait but I can take a sub right after oxy or take oxy right after a sub and I never get sick. I guess I'm

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