Suboxone Side Effects - I Need Answers
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Hello everyone, I was addicted to percocet for about a yr, i have degenerative osteo arthritis, extremely painful, have had a total knee replacement and am due for another, along with 19 operation bandaid fixes (all knee related) I also work full time, take care of a massive home (cleaning daily) and my 3 kids and husband.. Ugh the percocet really allowed me to live again, no pain, full nights sleep. But I knew I was dependant and I had to give it up.. I have such an insane life schedule that I couldn't do cold turkey as I know what withdrawals are like and I can't take time off work... I started suboxone, the doctor has me on 10 mg.. Yes it was a miracle for about the first week, but I'm experiencing some crazy crap... Seriously vivid nightmares that I can fully remember, extreme irritability and some nasty migraines.. All the time.. Advil has become my best friend.. I want off this s***..where I love, you have to dose daily at the pharmacy for 2 months before u are given a take home script.. I think I'm gunna spit it out and take 4 mg instead of 10 and see what that is like.. I think 10 may be way to high for me. Has anyone else had this experience and how the heck can I get off this crap.. I feel like such a loser.. I feel like I've just switched fr one drug to another, only this one is totally controlled and under doctors care.. How bad will the withdrawl be to stop the sub.. It's been 2 weeks now since I started it.. Please advise.. Thank you
3 Replies
It sounds like lowering the dose would be a good idea. I too had massive headaches when I started suboxone. My doc switched me to subutex and the headaches stopped immediately!! Doc said it was probably an allergic reaction to the naloxone in the suboxone.
hello lynela, the bad news is you have switched to another drug.however it is easyer to ween down . i do think you may be a to high a dose.i started at 8mg i was really into the perks at the time at least 6 a day.i stayed on suboxone for way to long over 6 years.would not recomend staying that long.the last few months i lowered my dose half mg every week or so. not real hard to do.when i got to half mg a day i made the jump.felt crappie and weak for 6 days then things began to brighten up.also i prayed a lot.good luck
Hello, Lynela! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the situation that you've found yourself in.
And yes, you did basically trade one drug for another. Suboxone also contains a potent narcotic, just like the Percocet did. The main active ingredient in it is Buprenorphine.
And yes, the 10mgs is likely far too strong for you, this medication is only meant to treat severe drug addiction, not dependence, there is a difference. If you were only taking the Percocet as prescribed, then you were not addicted, you were just dependent on it and could have spoken to your doctor about stopping via a slow taper.
Addiction is when someone takes something because they like the way it makes them feel, not just to relieve pain, but since the way it makes them feel is just a side effect, it eventually wears off and they have to keep taking more and more to get that high or euphoria back.
This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Learn more Suboxone details here.
Learn more Percocet details here.
The fact the it's meant for hardcore addicts is why it has to be taken in front of someone at the pharmacy for the first few week….first, they want to make sure that the person is actually taking it and not selling it… and second, along with the Buprenorphine, it also contains Naloxone, which neutralizes other opiates so someone can't abuse them, while they are under treatment with it, this enables the doctor to make sure that they are getting that Naloxone in their system.
As to the withdrawal, unfortunately, I'm really not sure. Have you talked to the doctor about it?
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