Suboxone/personality Change (Page 3)


Since my son started taking suboxone, he has developed hatred for me. We have always been very close, but now he is verbally abusive. It is only when he takes the drug. I should add, he sometimes drinks beer while on it. Has anyone else experienced this?

60 Replies (3 Pages)

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Yes. My husband and father in law have both exhibited violent tendencies and erractic behaviors while on suboxone. Furtbermore, when they run out, it's MUCH worse. The withdrawl systems and timeframe is worse than most other opiates. Best of luck to you.

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Re: Simone (# 41) Expand Referenced Message

thank you so much everyone. I'm pretty sure that he is abusing the medicine. When he's not taking as much he is calm and almost a completely different person. wish there was some way to convince him that this is what it was I believe that deep down he knows it that's what it is but he doesn't want to believe it I love him so much and last night he apologized for everything immensely. I could tell that his apology was sincere and he really felt terrible about everything that's happened in the last week or so. Another thing is that I find it kind of funny that they take people off of painkillers and put them on the knees and put them in a situation where they need this drug. My husband is plant recently closed and he will lose his insurance and for me to put him on my insurance cost another $300 a month. The meds are 700 some dollars a month and that's ridiculous. It seems as though every time somebody needs a medicine it cost more than it should it's nice to find people that understand and will talk to me about this because I really have nowhere to turn.

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Re: Wishful wife (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t dream anymore to get back that person I fell in love with. I got pregnant when I did not know that he abuses his Medicine. He turned my pregnancy into a nightmare. Now our baby is 9 months old. I work very hard, he does as well. But most of the time he spends in the TV room daydreaming or nodding off. He likes to deal with his medicine alone. He prefers to watch the movies or play SPS. He’s not interested in me as a woman. He insults me as he gets any chance. He fohas got what that means to be a man. I life the heavy stuff by myself. I’m always by myself. Once I asked him what he sees he future like, he shrugged his shoulder not having an answer. He hurts my feeling again and again. I honestly don’t know if I have any feeling left.

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Re: Antonia (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Wow, I completely understand! Mine watches tv, is up all night and rarely shows emotion. I literally had to put an old picture next to a recent picture to show him what sun is doing to him because he doesn't believe me.

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Re: Wishful wife (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

He will never believe you till he realizes it by himself. You have no idea, how much I’ve done so far in order to get him back. He gained weight, he stopped walking the dog he loved to death, he neglects everything and everyone. He’s tried to stop using his medicine a few times. I have medical background. I was taking care of him providing him with all possible things to avoid withdrawal. And you know what ? The last time he did not have withdrawal at all cuz I used numerous medicines but he still relapsed. He’s become so distant and insensitive

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Re: suddenlylonely (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

what happens is that after anyone or anything gets use to a certain thing or substance or hobby or repetitive action when that very thing that becomes repetitive changes we change. for example someone that watches football every Sunday, depends on Sunday games loves,! screams,! and enjoys an takes part in Sunday football every year every week. When football is over we find something else to do or to distract us or change us or make us feel happy sad different what ever it is we desire and enjoy. Therefore what I'm trying to say is that this happened to me but I was the male. After being high or on pills for a long time being with that someone I got use to things the way they were. then suddenly while I'm off the things and on the subs it caused me to loose interest in some of the old things we did or she did and just completely ruined my relationship. which I regret but don't at the same time we both were bad at times not with substances just to each other and when faced with change the best way to deal with that problem is to change your surroundings. Also it really is not easy and wasn't a choice for him if he is addicted he has a disease that needs more work, just like any other mental disease. hopefully he realized like I did that I needed her after all in the end but I'm very curious to see what happen because this happened to me and I hope it helps you

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Re: Wishful wife (# 44) Expand Referenced Message

I am also in the same position. Thank you for sharing!

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Re: suddenlylonely (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

My boyfriend acts the same way..when he takes the saboxone he is someone i dont even know..its like hes possessed or getting sick of him making a big deal and getting angry about everything and he is also really hyper on it..he also tells me he sees red in his one eye..get ahold of me...its not your boyfriend its the saboxone

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Re: Wife (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Your Dr is an *****!!! It makes me a completely different person... Horrible!!

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Re: Mozart1517 (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Please explain. How are you different? Do you have any emotions/libido? Anger issues? How long have you been on it? Are you male or female?

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I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now and ever since we met he has been using suboxone. He has lied to me, stole money from me. It's so bad i dont know what to do anymore. I know he is a great man minus this drug. Over time the verbal abuse, disrespect and name calling just gets worse. One minute he loves me and cant wait for our future then a something triggers him to go off. It's sad that now i can tell if he has been a couple hours without it. He wont stop doing more and more. I dont know much about the drug at all. I ask him questions and he says it's none of my business. He does things that he would not normally do if he was sober. He blocks me out and is so distant it makes me feel like s***. He is so addicted to this drug it's nearly impossible to get him off of it. He complains of the withdrawal and that i dont understand. Is there any support group for this? Anyone have advice? It's ruining our relationship and more importantly his life and his body.

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Re: Was it worth it 29 (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to hear about your boyfriend's suboxone habit. As difficult and heart-breaking as it may seem, my opinion is if drugs are more important than your relationship together then I think you'd be better off leaving your boyfriend so that he doesn't bring you down with him. Unfortunately that's what it comes to for some individuals to wake up and realize what's truly important in their lives. Intuitively speaking, I get the sense that he wont change his habits unless you leave him. On a positive note, perhaps when or if you get back together in the future, he will have become a man looking for a serious relationship instead of a high. He just doesn't seem like he's ready for the responsibilities that come with being in love and devoting himself to your relationship. And I do get it, we all go through challenging times and that may be why you're wanting to stick by his side... but I just don't think he'll be motivated to change unless he loses something (or someone) more important in his life. Sometimes you don't realize what you've lost until it's gone.

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Re: Wife (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Mine isn't the same man I married either... He's hateful, ignores me and the kids constantly and gets annoyed and pissed over nothing. The other day I was telling him a story and he started watching a damn video on his phone completely ignoring me! Then tonight I'm asking him a question while he's eating. I wait until he's done chewing and about to take another bite to ask the question again because he didn't answer and he still f***ing ignores me! Then I'm like hello?? Wtf is your deal?! He's like why do I have to answer something the exact second you ask it? I literally asked what he was staring at because he looked at me funny. He's down right rude as hell. I HATE it!! But he doesn't seem to be that way to his Co-workers... Before suboxone he was funny, outgoing, playful with the kids, would laugh, etc.. Now he zones into video games and we're lucky for him to have a semi good day, 4 times a month.

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Re: solinv311 (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I agree suboxene and subutex have been a huge positive change for me and my moods . It totally helps with my depression . I think it should be offered to severely depressed people it’s a great medication to help jump start your life and become motivated to change yourself

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I have been on subs since 2008 and have never felt any of what you guys are saying I have never felt angry or volatile.In fact I feel great There may be a underlying problem because my Doctor has been a sub doctor for years and never heard of this reaction.I would discuss this with my doctor
Good luck

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Re: helpless (# 13) Expand Referenced Message


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I’ve never had mood swings on suboxone nor has anyone I know had mood swings on suboxone. Personally I would suggest an antidepressant ASAP! Hope this helps

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Re: Angellee (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

I know what you're talking about. My best friend came out of treatment and was clean and sober and he was happy and really cool to be around. Now he started taking Suboxone when he doesn't even need it. He lied to get the doctors to give him something so he could abuse it, and now I can't even stand to be around him.

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My son started his suboxone 4 days ago and he’s a real jerk to me.

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My husband has evil fits of anger and then the next minute he loves me so much. We were so in love and then 2 weeks ago he went into psychosis (that had been building up) he moved out and hasn’t spoken to me at all. I don’t know him anymore.

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