Suboxone Doctorrs Who Accept Healthy Indiana Plan Near Bloomington
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Looking for a new Suboxone Dr as close to Bloomington as possible, ASAP. I'm out and will be losing my job Monday if I can't find some1 who will accept me.
19 Replies
I need a sub doc mine is in Kentucky cost 250 a month I have hip- healthy Indiana plan I have 3 kids all teenagers one is pregnant I can't afford this anymore and need a doc asap please lmk if u know of any closer cheaper or better if took my insurance please help!
No one here can do that for you. If you're serious about a sub. protocol it's up to you to take that first step. Contact member services for your insurance carrier and they will assist you in getting started.
Sub Dr.that takes Anthem HIP in Indianapolis please
I need to find a Dr.for Suboxone that takes HIP insurance in Indianapolis or close surrounding area.I am on Suboxone now but my out of network , therefore it is out of pocket.Im now financially unable to do this.Please is there anyone that can steer me in the right direction,thank you
I am looking for a suboxone doctor I'm also on Medicaid when I need want my suboxone doctor Soon if u could help me out with give me a number
AJ.. I am in St Louis park and attempting to get off 10 years of pain medication and know I get sick ad hell when out! Do you know a doctor who takes medical in twin cities and do I need a referral for suboxone? A friend gave me a few last month to try and it HELPED & I know this is what I need to kick this 10 year habit!
Thanks I know your post is forever old, yet I am in hopes your still around. Will be out of pain med soon and can't afford to get sick for I run a restaurant in the Twin Cities and of work very hard for my position and I do not want my dependency on my pain medication to be the reason I cannot be successful at my job!!
Oh please don't mess up 8 years!! Have you tried Avon urgent care?
hi AJ! Do you have that dr still. I'm looking for a dr. Who takes hip I'm in indiana but will drive if need be. I'm really desperate and starting to not feel well. So far everyone I call isn't accepting new patients. This is why people relapse. Which I have so far never done 8 years and counting. But desperate times can me desperate measures. And no one I know is on this medicine to help out till I can find a dr. Thanks Alicia
Dr. Allan Mackay is in Bloomington and he accept anthem hip. Hope this helps. Realize that it's a little late but hopefully it helps someone in search. I know it's a pain in the a..... To find a Dr let alone one accepting new patients & ins., good luck!
Wondering if anyone has any idea what is goin on with Dr. Jude Momodu?? I've been trying to contact them for over a week now and it keeps going to voicemail.
I found a fabulous dr n Brownsburg. He won't f*** around but if u want help, he'll help. He does take HIP however, is full of insured patients at the moment. They will complete pa forms though. If you want it, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. Good Luck to All. FU DR LEY!
Erica did you find out anything? Could you share info if you did? {edited for privacy}. please help
Erica, It depends on the state you're in as well as the Medicaid Health Plan you have, if your states has them. You can go to your states Medicaid website and look for their Preferred Drug List, If you have a Medicaid Health Plan, go to their website and look for their Prefered Drug List. It will have to be cover by both, if you have a health plan.
I need a real list of physicians that prescribe suboxone who accept HIP insurance
Could you please give me the info?
Do you still have insurance? If so, what type do you have? If your not working now, you would probably qualify for medical assistance or "Minnesota Care." Have you already been on suboxone, or is this something your just now looking to get started on? My doctor is in NE Minneapolis which is maybe 10 or 15 minutes from Bloomington. She takes Medical Assistance if you are able to get on due to your recent lack of income. If you let me know what insurance you currently have (if any), I can ask her if she takes it. Also, I may be able to help you get through this time until you can get set up with a doctor. I have an emergency supply I tuck away every month. I don't know how long I could possibly help you out, but maybe until you can transition to a new doctor or can get state insurance.
Hope you are hanging tough, I know how hard it is,
I found one.... but he's 90 miles from bloomington and doesn't take my insurance. U know of someone who does?? And I'd lost my job bc I can't work when I'm sick.
Did you find a Sub doctor? Just curious..why would you lose your job if you didn't find a doctor?
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