Stilpane Addiction (Top voted first)
UpdatedIs there anything I can use to help with withdrawal symptoms? I'm addicted to stilpane and I stopped once but the withdrawal symptoms were terrible, then I started again. I need help urgently.
8 Replies
Hello, Zee! How are you?
Please seek medical attention. These contain Acetaminophen and taking that much of it in a day creates the risk of toxicity, which has the potential to be fatal. You may already have done permanent damage to your liver.
Have you had any stomach pain? Any yellowing of the skin?
You're going to need to do a slow taper to be able to stop taking them.
Hi verwon I'm greatful to your reply the doctors don't tell you these things they actually the ones giving you the meds for pain relief because I had my womb removed a couple of years ago it was extremely painful that's how I became addicted I spoke to him recently and he suggested I stop the stilpane and start on pax5mg 2 tabs a day 1 in the morn and 1 at night will that help my withdrawals coz I know withdrawals is like a killer I went through it recently as for my skin colour its normal I do have stomach pains but its due to the fact that I'm constipated so I have to use laxatives after my womb was removed I gain a lot of weight before I was nice and slender a lot of people say I look good for a 40yr old but I don't coz I'm not use to carrying around a belly lol!! What do you suggest me to do to loose the weight I don't eat during the day only supper?thanx buddy
Hi there,
I have been using stilpane for 25 years. Been in rehab 4 times and when i get out the only thing that makes me feel normal is taking stilpane. I am now back to 50 per day and don't want to put my family through this again. It's not even a possibility so i have to sort myself out.
Please help
Firstly... stilpane has codeine, paracetamol and meprobamate. The codeine constipates you and makes you drowsy. second...meprobamate is the problem. On this forum no one talks about it....I cant understand why?? Meprobamate is used in the manufacture of coke.....that is why people get addicted and require more and more stilpane. Meprobamate gives a person a 'high..excitement' and now that person requires it just to start the day. meprobamate was used to treat stress and anxiety / depression a while back..that's before the side effects were found.
Wean yourself of the stilpane by cutting 1 tab per day and take pax ..Either 5mg or 10 mg. You will get diarrhea, burning of the mouth, itching and skin rash ..Due to your decreasing codeine levels..But you can beat this. Over time your mood will return to normal as well. Hang in there... All is not lost.
I take Stilpane only as prescribed (two every 8 hours) and I have no need to be addicted to Stilpane. The problem is some people want to be addicted to any medicine. There is no better joint medication than Stilpane and I'm talking from personal experience.
I am addicted to stillpain. Have tryed stopping but the withdrawals was very bad so started again were in cape town can i get help
you need to contact ARCA Durban
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