Simbolta (Top voted first)


depression medication

4 Replies

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I've been on Cymbalta for over an year. I have both MS & Fibromyalgia. The Cymbalta which is an antidepressant but show good results with help controlling nerve ending. Cymbalta for me does control my mood swings. When you're sick all the time, you are just not gonna have good days!

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I've taken Cymbalta for fibromyalgia pain and diabetic neuropathy. It worked very well for several months. Then, sad to say, I had to stop taking it due to a bad side effect. I was experiencing terror nightmares. I'm taking about waking up yelling and screaming like someone was trying to kill me. Several times a family member would run to wake me up from one of these terror nightmares. Once I stopped taking the medication the terror nightmares stopped. I haven't had a terror nightmare since. It was definitely a side effect from the Cymbalta.

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I think you mean Cymbalta

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I think Cymbalta is a very helpful drug. I have been taking it for sometime now for diabetic neuropathy and it is sometimes the ONLY drug that will stop the burning in my feet.

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