Side Effects When Coming Off Androgel


I've been on Androgel 10 yrs. Initially, an injection at first caused extreme mood swings. Then pump (4 pumps/ day = complete dose), started reducing last year, now 1/day. But, when I stop completely: profuse sweating, easily irritated, mood swings (like andropause - "mano-pause").

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Rick how long have u been off now and are your symptoms getting better? I went off of it too and had the same issues as you with extreme anxiety as well and flu like symptoms. Went back to doctor and he said to get back on it which I did but I really want to get off of it for good.

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I increased dose to one pump per day, rotating admin sites. If you apply only to abdomen, you may get an upset tummy d/t the contraction effect that androgel has on muscle tissue (this is why weightlifters like to use the gel - accelerates healing by pulling blood to surface muscles).

Because the the body will back off producing hormones in the presence of artificial hormones, I will hold off reducing again until warmer weather, when I can increase exercise levels, this should force the body to produce its own testosterone which it does during exercise (part of the fight or flight response). In order to avoid the unpleasant side effects of stopping the supplement, the body has to get used to producing it again.

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