Side Effects Of Cherifer (Page 4)
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side effects of cherrifer vitamins

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Noramal lang po ba manikip yung dibdib pag nag take ng cherifer? 1capsule palang natatake ko pero biglang sumasakit yung dibdib ko. I need your help.

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True po ba to?kc cherifer na yong ginagamit ko sa 10mons old na anak ko...pls i want to know more bkithindi safe?

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One day when i used cherifer after like 2 minutes i wanted to burp but instead my throat was very itchy and kinda hot and my eyes were sorrta red and wet because when i tried to burp i couldn't get it out and instead kind of went to my nose and eyes. So i'm kind of worried to try cherifer again and i need advice about my very bad incident

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I'm already 18 turning 19. I've been using cherifer for 10 days now and masasabi ko lang is im always hungry. I am 5'4 in height. I dont think if tumangkad ako. Pero yung side effect is ang sakit ng mga buto ko. Kumikirot it is okay if pag papatuloy ko pag inom?

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Do you intake 2 or more capsule per day? And that could also be the reason of exercise or other activities that center your chest area.... Headache can also be the reason of other things that isn't associated with Cherifer

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Hi, Same here i am also experiencing chest pain and difficulty of breathing plus GIT irritation.

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Hi, i am running 20 this July and I've been taking cherifer pgm for 1week and as i observed i always having headache, dizziness, chest pain and stomach ache. So i don't know if do i need to stop? Or to continue... I do not know if it was only a side effects or whatever? It only occur everytime i take chetifer pgm..

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Im taking cheriffer at my age 1 to 7 years old my mother height is 4'9 and my father is 5'2 my age now is 13 years old at ang height ko ay 5'4 at sa tingin ko pagdating ko ng 15 ay lalaki pa ako...

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Since baby i gave my son cherifer now he is 19 y/o his height is 5"11. Im his father is only 5"3 and his mother is 5"4. Now that he is 19 y/o i give him again cherifer pgm. I will post here if he will gain heights after 1 month. Ok

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Need q po ng vitamins para sa 1 yr old qng anak sipunin po kc peo pinaiinum q nmn cia ng cellin. Anu p hu kaya ang effective n vitamins pra sa anak q hnd ata cia hiyang sa cellin.. pati na po vitamins n pang pagana kumain mhina kc kumain mga ilng subo lng ayaw n..

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Gaining weight and having acne is not a side effect but an effective result of taking Cherifer pgm 10-22. Weight that you gain is a result good appetite and using Cherifer means you are getting igh protein in CGF. Protein is a useful compound to gain muscles and not exercising can cause you to gain weight. But if you're exercising, you can gain weight because muscle is bigger than fat in mass. NO EXERCISE also mean that you don't excret or expel enough toxins from your body and leads to acne. Acne isn't a dangerous at your age because 16 yrs old is the ''end'' of your puberty in which massive amounts of ANDROGEN is made. Androgen is the main cause of acne during puberty because it triggers oil production in the sebum.
Tell me if this helped..

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feeling ko pag lampas kana 21 yrs old hnd kna tatangkad kasi usually hanggang 18-21 lang nmn yng pag increase ng height

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Same here my daughter since birth I gave her cherifer and stop at the age of 4 years due to uncontrollable gaining height now that shes 11 years old shes 5'6" ask for me I am only 5'3"

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did you do some exercises? or have some diet? coz im taking cherifer for almost 2weeks now, but the result is still. I didnt even gain an inch. So, what did you do to achieve that?

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Hi, I am now 18 years old. I just started taking Cherifer PGM 3 days ago and when I do, I feel Chest pains and I can't breathe clearly. Is this normal? I also noticed that I got dry skin and a lot of pimples. Sometimes I eat a lot, but most of the time, I don't feel like eating minutes after taking one tablet. Should continue?

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HI I'm nic 16 years old ..mulang nong uminom ako ng cherifer Siguro mga 2 weeks nah kasi nga tinigilan kung uminom last month. notice Kuna parang tumaas din ako ng kaunti and that's pretty good

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I'm 23 years old and I'll take cherifer premium in the last 4months , I gained at least 1inch, is it too long for the progress of height increase , my height is now 5.3 1/2. Last is 5.2 1/2

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same I always have my palpitations minutes after I take Cherifer

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1 month umepekto ung sakin nadagdagan LNG ng 1 inch. From5'5 to5'6 pero pwede na rin inumin mo pag gabi at mag calisnethics ka rin para mas umeffect.

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ako ay 28 years old at my anak ako na 4 years old at sya ay nag breastfeed hanggang sa ngayon,tanong kulang po kung kung pwede ako mag take nang cherifer premium kahit domedede parin ang anak ko na 4yrs old?

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