Side Effects Of Amitriptyline Tab 10mg (Page 3) (Top voted first)


amitriptyline tab 10 mg
generic for elavil
other than drowsiness

117 Replies (6 Pages)

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I first started taking these a week ago. 10mg with flexural. I was wiped in the morning so I decided to stop taking the flexural and now I don't sleep we'll and wake up in the morning feeling wonderful. I am also taking lorazepam as needed.. But find I don't need it very often now that I'm taking this daily. I have TMD.. It's helped my mood more then my facial/muscle pain and stiffness. Side affects for the Most part have gone away. Only been a week and no sign of weight gain. Some dry mouth and constipation.

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I was prescribed this medication to help with my sleep problems. The second night I took 5mg, I was up all night, and I do not think I will take it again.

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Very successful for my migraines. I have what is called "classic" migraines which had been increasing to several a week. Numbness in limbs and face, swollen tongue, nausea, vomiting, sparklies, loss of vision and incredible pain. I had tried Caffergot, Imitrix, homeopathics and several others that I can't recall and none touched my headaches. Only excedrine and darkness helped at all. I have taken 10mg of Amitriptyline per day and have had 0 migraines for 4 months. I was supposed to step up to 20mg but never did. I have even skipped days and been fine. I never had drowsiness, but I have a high tolerance for depressants. No noticeable weight gain or any of he other symptoms that have been reported. I am watching out for depression as that is a side-effect I want to avoid.

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I have been taking Amitriptyline with 10mg dosage for the past two months, and I have been constantly dreaming all night long. Also, when I wake up i would feel stressed. Is this normal?

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I am on 10mg of Amitriptyline and I have noticed I am increasing in my weight no matter how much I have tried to diet...I'm not losing any unlike I have in the past and the only thing that has changed for me or these tablets. What can I do about it ?

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My Dr prescribed Amitrip tyl inexpensive HCL 10mg for migraines. I specifically did not want to be on anything that would contribute to weight gain and she assured me it was not a side effect now I see it is? With a lower dose have many of you notice a weight gain issue?

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Amitriptyline is NOT the right medication for everyone. Some people function perfectly on it (like myself) and some people are miserable on it (I have a friend who is that way). I thought in the very beginning that being drowsy was miserable from it, but now I've been on it for so many years that I don't have any problems with it.

I have learned the following from taking it over the years:
Take your daily dose between 4-6 p.m. It should be approximately 2 hours before you plan to go to sleep for the night. I generally take mine at 4p.m. and usually go to sleep between 6-7p.m. because we get up super early. Secondly, make sure you do not have any caffeine or alcohol 3 hours before or 12 hours after taking the medication. This gives it a chance to work in your system, without things in your system that can increase the effects. If you take anti-depressants or stomach acid controllers (such as Cimetidine) you should take them in the morning and take the Amitriptyline at night. Make sure you will have 8-10 hours to sleep prior to taking your evening dose.

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Amitriptyline will make you gain weight, but it doesn't make everyone gain weight. There's nothing you can do to counteract the weight gain. One thing it can do is increase your appetite, so make sure you aren't eating more than you normally would.

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I was taking amitriptyline for a month & I found they really helped me get a good nights kip. I never really had a problem b4 I just felt more refreshed when on these. I was given them for my migraines & felt they really helped however once I ran out of them I couldn't sleep! I went bk 2 my doc for a repeat prescription & when I told her I had trouble sleeping she refused point blank to give me them because of the side effect I was having. I wasn't told b4 they can cause insomnia & I feel I should've. I have 2 young children & sleep is a must with such an active life style. B4 taking these make sure u know all the pros & cons. I was told to take 1-3 10mg tablets each evening. I started on 1 & went up to 2 & wish I hadn't have!

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Kitten, you should be taking the medication at night. I do not get headaches, but different people react differently to medication.

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Mary I am taking them in the evening, that's when I need them, the headaches come the next day, it is early days so I should give my body time to adjust

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I have been on 10 mg for just over two weeks. I have had two migraines but they are not as bad. So it is helping me, but the last three days I have no desire to eat. Also I do not sleep well at all and the first few hours after taking them they wake me up, they do not make me sleepy. So I guess I will keep taking them and see

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I have been taking amitriptyline for 5 days now and my nipples are really saw why is this!?

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I have been on Elavil (20mg at night) for over two years and for neuropathy following parvovirus infection. I am also taking bisoprolol for tachycardia. Tachycardia came at the same time as the parvovirus and has continued ever since. Don't know if there is a connection to the Elavil or not. After two and a half years (and a few unsuccessful attempts to wean off the Elavil) I have started getting persistent headaches and dizziness. I forgot to take the Elavil one night and they were better the next day - so we are trying to wean off again. Trying my best to keep myself occupied to forget about the withdrawel symptoms that I have gotten in the past (flu like symptoms, brain zaps etc).

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I am having Migraine from last few years. Earlier I was on Naxdom 500mg but recently my doctor given mr Topiramate 25mg twice /day
Amitrityline 10 mg/day

I am getting Stomach pain, feeling heavy Head, Drowsyness, wieght gain..
will u suggest me what to do? shall i proceed this medication or consult again?

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What have you done? Do you just grow use to it over time? I've been on amitriptyline tablets 10mg for a month and a week I've recorded each side effect you've said over this time it's affecting my school life and isn't very helpful considering I'm doing igcse a levels everything's become hard if you have any tips to help ease the side effects I would be grateful if you shared them.

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Does the half of bill work for you and did you experience weight gain?

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Yes, it has helped me sleep, I have calmed down but not too bad. I have 10mg. Try cutting it in half to see if that works for you or try low dosage. I sleep better but I have to take between 7-8:30p. It depends on what time you get up. I used to have migraine 3 times a week. I am at 4 times a month. HUGE IMPROVEMENT

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You got the side effect after you got off the medicine? Not while you were on???

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I took 25 mg of of this drug one time and literally could do nothing the next day. My legs were like they were made of rubber. I dont think I can deal with this even though I need sleep due to head surgery with lingering pain and anxiety.

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