Side Effects Of Amitriptyline Tab 10mg (Page 3)
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amitriptyline tab 10 mg
generic for elavil
other than drowsiness

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Maybe you should consider being tested for Lyme Disease.

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Someone please help! I switched psychiatrists - am already on antidepressants and a large amount of xanax. Only problem is I don't go to sleep til about 4 or 5 in the morning. Just because I'm not awake during the day, my new psychiatrist first tried trazadone which I didn't like & now amitriptyline 25mg. I haven't taken it yet...once I saw the side effects of weight gain& constipation, that was bad enough. Now I see all these other problems, with headaches & being groggy. I know xanax is addictive but isn't it better to take a few more xanax, which I already know doesn't have side effects than start another med with side effects and that is hard to get off?
If you don't agree with the xanax part that's fine. If I sleep 8 hours but it just happens to be early morning to noon instead of at night, why is that such a problem? Thank you anyone who can help me at all. I was all ready to take it tonight but there's no way I am. Then doctors get mad because I don't listen to them....I'm on enough meds. I don't want more.

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I've been on Amy trip for neuralgia (chronic unexplained burning in hips, back, thighs and buttocks) which started after knee surgery. I find it's helping somewhat but have only been on for 6 days, 10 mg @ hs. My issue is that it makes me drowsy, but then at about 3 a.m I'm wide awake and it takes me over an hour or so to fall back to sleep. Then I have trouble waking up before 9 a.m. Anyone else have this issue?

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I have been taking Amitriptyline with 10mg dosage for the past two months, and I have been constantly dreaming all night long. Also, when I wake up i would feel stressed. Is this normal?

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Me? Nothing before Friday. Then 10mg Friday, same Sat & Sunday night.
Taken 5mg so far tonight as quite as scared by reaction. Very spaced out. Daren't drive. Giggling. Slow reaction times. Very distracted. But 5mg taken 1.5 hrs ago not made me drowsy.

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What mg were you on?

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I started 10mg of ami on Friday. It's now Monday, so I've taken 3. Was prescribed it for sinus pain, jaw pain, migraines and lack of sleep. Also depression, but dr says dose too low to affect that & need counselling.

The pain is still there but has moved 1 foot to the left of me ;)

I have dry mouth, and some constipation, but biggest side effect is increased libido. Perhaps a little too much! I am sleeping much better, but before and after have only one thing on my mind. It's very distracting. Should I ask to take 5mg instead of 10? I'm not sure I can keep functioning like this. I have urgent work to do, & can't be bothered.

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I'm so confused now after reading what people say about amitrptylline!!! I have fibromyalgia , spinal stenosis , osteoarthritis in most of my joints and severe leg pain from the back pain sometimes I can't walk :( I get epidurals in my lumbar spine and thurasic spine plus I have bulging discs in the lumbar spine and tendonitis in my right arm and arthritis in the rotor cuff in the same arm , I'm taking endocet 10-325 , 3 times a day and 10 mg.of oxycontin 3 times a day , attenolol 100- 25 once a day for high B/P and klonopin 1.5 mg. For severe anxiety . oh and I can't sleep I'm lucky if I sleep 4 to 5 hours a night ! What is the best medication to take for fibromyalgia please HELP ! Does cymbalta or sevela or amitrptylline have less side effects and less interactions ?? Which one work's the best??? Or should I not take Anything for fibromyalgia ?????

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Very successful for my migraines. I have what is called "classic" migraines which had been increasing to several a week. Numbness in limbs and face, swollen tongue, nausea, vomiting, sparklies, loss of vision and incredible pain. I had tried Caffergot, Imitrix, homeopathics and several others that I can't recall and none touched my headaches. Only excedrine and darkness helped at all. I have taken 10mg of Amitriptyline per day and have had 0 migraines for 4 months. I was supposed to step up to 20mg but never did. I have even skipped days and been fine. I never had drowsiness, but I have a high tolerance for depressants. No noticeable weight gain or any of he other symptoms that have been reported. I am watching out for depression as that is a side-effect I want to avoid.

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Im about start this meds amitripyline 10mg should I break in have ? I take valiumn..

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Hello Sharon you reminded me of my Dad. My Dad had a high powered job like your husband. He was a very busy man and he travelled a lot on his job. When he retired at 57 he was cut off from his busy routine. He went into depression after that. This is normal for people who shut down their routine life suddenly. But this is not good. Talk to him have and him do something he likes like a hobby. Go out for long walks and do some travelling together if possible. If you have close families and friends try to visit them as often as possible. You need to get him out of the house as often as possible and talk to him often. After his retirement he might have a feeling of his unworthiness which is not true. All busy people go through this problem and it can be fixed. Love him more now than you ever did.

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I too have Neuropathy, but my Neurologist suggested I take R-Alpha Lipoic Acid,
which you can find at health food stores. Also try Neuropathjy Support formula which
you can get online. These do take a few months to work. I've only been on this for a few months now, but I am feeling better. It's worth a try and their is a money back guarantee. Good Luck.

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I just got priscribed this 10mg berfore bes. but I also have to take 5mg xanx before bed. How will taking these both before bed affect me since both make u drowsy? ?

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I was prescribed this medication to help with my sleep problems. The second night I took 5mg, I was up all night, and I do not think I will take it again.

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I've been prescribed Amitriptyline for 6 weeks for pain behind nose and headaches on one side of my head. Neurologist ruled out sinus infection due to previous doctor report so suggested migraines to be the cause. I am 10 days in on 20mg and feel lethargic all day, drowsy upon waking, lazy and slow, dry mouth, heavy legs, sleep for 10 hrs a night. I feel agitated and grumpy most of the time and was a lot happier before I started taking them. By day 9 subtle headaches started, but today its extremely bad like a migraine all over with nausea, I think its the tabs as I have never suffered like this with migraines in my life. I am going to stop as the side effects are not worth it as I need more focus for my job and studies.

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I have been prescribe 10mg Amitriptiline for neuropathy pain I took first tab last night had a headache when I got up but it seems to have gone after a walk wife said I slept on my back and snored so I slept better.

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I've been taking amitrip for 5 or 6 mths now and was on 10mg definitely helped with my migraines was also put on it for chronic fatigue. Over time I put on weight but I had thought it was because of my hyoothyroidism. Have had my dosage increased to 20mgs this week by doctor.I am back to school now and have tension and migraines most days. Anyone help regards to preventing weight gain or anything regarding chronic fatigue/hypothyroidism?

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M suffering from gastritis.My doctor prescribed me tryptomer 10 mg for 3 mnths..Is it okay to take it?somebody please help me..Its been only 3 days..I donno whether to continue o not

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I have been taking amiltriptyline for quite some time to reduce the frequency of optic migraines. There is no question it reduced the frequency. I had only one this year and was getting them much much much more often. Yes, I think it does have its side effects of dry mouth, yes, I am tired more but all in all it has helped my opitically debilitating migraines. The tiredness wears off as I take a very very small dose which I even cut in half. Sometimes I thin it exacerbates other anxiety feelings I have but I will trade that for the debilitating, frightening and almost stroke like optic migraines with aura. They were a curse as I never knew when I would be sucker punched by them. Thy absolutely interrupted my life.

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Elavil IS as it turns out VERY addicting and VERY hard to get off of!
I was on it for three years and weaned off because I hated " not feeling anything"... Months later I'm back on it because no matter how hard I tried not to feel bad I did!
Months mind you I was off of them and now back to feeling nothing and still feel like crap!

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