Show Prednisone Tablet (Top voted first)


liget orange in color DAN scored 5443

11 Replies

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Prednisone is a steroid anti-immflammatory medication. For example, I have Lupus and Fibromyalgia. At times, I am on Prednisone to make my joints and smooth muscles stop hurting so much. It brings the swelling down. Unfortunately, I am an insulin-dependent diabetic because of the lupus. Prednisone brings my sugar level up very very high; therefore, I can no longer use it. The biggest side effect of Prednisone besides bringing your sugar level up, is a ravanous hunger! You always want to eat, can never get enough! It causes some swelling to the joints, rash, bloating. I hope this helps.

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Just adding the image, since they asked and then they can verify they have a legit pill, so no offense intened nenene!

Pill Image

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Didn't do it clickable anyway, must have been another typo on my part, trying again, LOL!

Pill Image

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Muc better! LOL!

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no ofense taken.

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of course I spelled it offense taken.

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LOL! Knew what you meant, either way!

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Believe it or not..........when I was in school, college, pharmacology school, masters and Phd programs spelling was my biggest strength. I don't know what happened except that my sentence sructure, grammar, and spelling leave a lot to be desired these days. My former rheumatologist swears that it really is because of the lupus. How weird!

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Actually, it does not surprise me, I have heard other people with Lupus complain about the same problem. I also think some of the meds have an effect on it, depending which areas of your brain that they work on.

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I guess I never thought about the medication as being part of the issue. That makes perfect sense though.

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Yep. Some medications affect certain neural pathways, migraines that sometimes involve the swelling of blood vessels in your neck and head can also affect your processing of information.

If you watch my posts, certain days I am alright, then others you will see a ton of typos and errors, so you can always guess when I have a migraine.

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