Show Me Pics Of Real And Fake Xanax Bars
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I would like to see a picture of the real white Xanax bar compared to the fake white Xanax bar.

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Re: Dante (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Dante...I have had fake xanax before..they looked identical to pharmaceutical xanax one time. 2nd time it happened they were pressed badly..or the pill was soft and wouldn't keep form. The numbers weren't clearly pressed into the pill. It was kinda blurry and chalky. But I have also gotten good xanax before that looked chalky or crumbled slightly at the break line. More and more often now ppl are getting powder form for cheap outta the country and pressing their own now.

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Re: jen (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Totally agree and even the pharmacies are distributing fake Xanax because they are not aware of it and I know that to be a fact because I am married to a pharmacist and he has told me many stories about having to send back the whole shipment of when they came in because several people came in to fill their prescriptions and within hours they were dead.

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Re: EDDY (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

That’s the truth! I know the taste of Xanax very well and can get pressed bars that have more then 2mg in them and sometimes less. I’ve had straight liquid Xanax and it’s so damn strong! One drop onto a sweet tart and you got a bar but instead of all the fillers, it’s straight alaprazom and the sweet tart candy makes the taste of it more bearable lol

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Re: Ctown (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have come across several white bars with the imprint G 3722 these are FAKE! And are killing people. I have read they are half Xanax and half fentynal. I've also seen some green bars that look similar to the ones I know are legit but they are a little bit thicker and a slight shade different green. I'm curious what other people are finding.

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I want to know the same thing, are there fake white Xanax out there? I want to know if the ones I have are fake. They don't taste right but I just want to know your feedback

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Re: Dwayne (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I live in Richmond Virginia and have been taking bars for over a year. At first they were the green ones and they were real because when I ran out I got sick as a dog and had to sign myself into the hospital. Lately I've had the white bars that have a 2 on one side and the word Xanax on the other. They tasted bitter like real Xanax and had some sedative effect but not like a real bar. I quit taking them and was informed that there's a tester for alprazolam and it tells you how much is in the bar. I haven't found any such test anywhere except in a laboratory. Also when I quit taking them and I was taking quite a few a day I had absolutely no withdrawals therefore I know they were fake. I don't know what they put in them to make them taste bitter like Xanax but they've got something that does it. I had honestly thought they were real. The only ones I'll be getting are from a prescription and filled at a pharmacy. I guess I was lucky there was nothing really bad in them and I didn't OD or anything.

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The fake ones are thicker and taste weak and chalky.

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My xanax bar just says 2 on one side and nothing on back. Is it fake

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Re: Ctown (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

The differences are so small. I see the difference but if you already have a buzz you won't even notice, just stick with yellow or blue footballs for that matter. Simple. Even better, go to the doctor! 75 bucks for a doctor, 15 bucks for a prescription and you're paying less than street prices anyways.

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Re: EDDY (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Not true.... I check everything I take... It is on the internet, everything's on Google!

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Anxiety meds aren't meant for taking away pain. I know plenty of people prescribed Percocet and Klonopins from the same doctor (not a pill mill either, a legit doctor). It's a tricky mixture since abuse of both drugs simultaneously will cause your breathing to slow or stop and cause death. If taken properly they can be taken at the same time. There is an anxiety medication called Buspar (Buspirone) that can help people who don't want to take Benzos for their anxiety, you could try and see if it helps. Buspar is non-narcotic. As far as fake xanax vs. real xanax bars: If you bought them online from a website that does not require a script you're most likely getting fakes. If you happen to buy them off the street you should A). Know who you're dealing with. And B). Know what it should taste like as well as the many colors it can be prescribed. There are legitimate yellow, green and white bars. If any other color exists I have yet to see a pharmacy prescribe it. Those that already said the fakes are very very hard to break in half are correct for the most part. I have never been sold fakes but know someone who has, they felt as if they were made from stucco as they were very hard to break in half and tasted like anything but xanax. They did however look identical to the GG249's. Basically if you're buying sight unseen from an overseas pharmacy website or a random "corner boy" there's a good chance you'll get burned. Get a legitimate script and you'll never worry if they're fake again.

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Re: Dwayne (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi um I had a question.I'm taking pain meds perks 7.5..don't really work well for my screwed up back several vertbra out of place since a wreck N not my fault n surgery I'm not getting 50 50 chance it be n wheel chair..fudge question with alot of back pain all day everyday n severe axity n not being able to take bezos with pain meds is their a axity med strong enough to help me with PAIN N KEEP ME SANE.. I take adderall for focus but still get pissed at stupid me..need a straight answer. Wb

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Re: jen (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure why you are buying them in the dark. Addicts get burned.

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Re: Benzoskill (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Apparently, you've never had a panic attack ever or gone through any serious trauma such as rape or had night terrors. So before you start judging try walking a mile in someone else's shoes.

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Re: Ctown (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I ran into these too! I say fake! They had the taste but when I took it - it was almost like a heroin taste. Was super weird.

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They real of the got to 2 on one side
And say Xanax on the other side

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I've had 2 different encounters with fake Xanax. The first was white 2mg bars. They were different in thickness & they broke apart easily. They also didn't have the bigger v-shaped div in the middle. The second time they were green bars. They had a distinct vinegar like odor & they were a light green with a darker green speckled look throughout them. Has anyone else had any of these issues? & is it normal for the green bars to ever be a little chalky & break easily but still give you that Benzo feeling?

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They have not been able to produce a non bitter Xanax, its impossible. If you have one that isn't bitter it isn't Xanax

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I have gotten the white 2mg bars that had a 2 on one side and blank on the other from the pharmacy, so its hard to tell really

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Want to see differance between real xanex bar with 2 in one suse and xanex on the other

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