Seroquel Hangovers
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I am taking Seroquel for a depressive episode that began almost three months ago, gradually increasing the dosage until I have now been at 150 mg. Seroquel xr for the past 24 days. Throughout this time I have suffered severe hangovers from the Seroquel (drowsiness, severe headache, lack of energy). My psychiatrist tells me that these side effects will lessen or disappear as I build up my tolerance to the drug, but now I've gone 24 days without increasing the dosage and the side effects continue. I am taking solely Seroquel xr (not ir) and try to take it as early in the evening as possible, usually anytime from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Do these side effects disappear eventually at the 150 mg. dosage or should I begin tapering off this drug? I also heard that the side effects disappear with higher dosages (200 to 300 mg.), but I am afraid to increase the dosage and dig myself deeper into this drug. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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Thanks so much for your encouraging message. I'm on day 30 of taking 150 mg. seroquel. Since my last message, the hangover effect has appeared to taper off quite a bit so that I don't have an intense, "chemical-feeling" headache. So I'm hopeful that the hangover effect has hit its peak and I can look forward to feeling more normal. Another thing I've noticed is that, while the hangover was going on there is a wide variation in intensity from one day to the next. One day I would feel normal and the next day the intense headache would return. As time goes on, the good days become more frequent and the bad days less. The bad days can be scary because you feel like they are never going to end. But I am feeling better than I did when I wrote my first message and am definitely feeling better than I did a month ago. Verwon, thanks for your concern and your message

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Hello, Richard! How are you?

Your doctor is correct, they will eventually improve, but it may take about 4 to 6 weeks for your body to adjust to the current dosage.
You'll be able to tell, because they'll hit a peak, then start tapering off in severity, until they are mostly gone.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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