Second Day On Suboxone (Top voted first)


I think I'm one of the very few that is hypersensitive to the other ingriendent in suboxone (not the opiate)naloxine or however you spell it. Anyway I've had two days of hell I took 2 8mg hour later took two more felt like all the nerves in my body were fired up got leg jumps with maybe 1 hour sleep need advice I'm doing it w/o dr. help my sister is trying to help me I can't afford them

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I am coming of of 6- 5mg vicodin a day. this is my 2nd attempt at ddetoxing with suboxon, the first time i know i didnt wait long enough and i had nose bleeds i felt like i was going to die, but that was coming off os endocets 6 a day. i have googled and my girlfriend has done some research as to how long to wait and how many to take...since as one person stated it is so expensive to get on these suboxon clinics and i have a full time job and it is hard to be a t the bekon call of a dr..not to mention the price of just a visit then, a prescription, so basically i am in need of help from someone who is or has used suboxon to come off off vicodin! He has taken his first suboxon after 31 hours (this is his girlfriend) and now is jumpy moaning,nose bleeding, and not the same as the past 31 hours i think i am going to give him another suboxon and a klodopin..i know no xanax! if anyone has any further info for use please help this is very hard to do on your own, but then again what choice to we have when it is 195$ to just see the dr then 12$ for the first dose of medication which is a week so 12$ a day for 7 days then 35 with insurance for a script god know how much without i didnt even get that far i hung up, and we bought if anyone has any advice please reply im watching him jumping, cramping up and down to the bathroom nose bleeding basically in full withdrawl after 31 hours without vicodin..i dont understand..i am gonna give him another 8mg and a klodopin and see! thank you for any replies

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ill pray for you seriously. go to an er and tell them you are in terrrible pain for your back or something they will never medicste you for withdrawl. ive been through this listen carefully... tell them you took subaoxen and thought it was a pain they will give you a bolus or large amount of opiut to make you feel better if not you will sufer and i mean sufer for sometimes 72 hours, im on methadone and i ran out during a snowstorm my brother was on sabaoxon and i waited till i felt really bad before i tried them. it was one of the worst experiences of my life when i got my metrhadone i had to take 5 doses before i get relief. saboxon blocks everything..goodluck let me know how it goes

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thankyou for those two respones, they didn't help me much. you see I've been on methadone fpr over 20yrs,just got off it about three weeks ago.During the last two months before stopping the methadone,i went to my dr.he put me on 30mg of morphine and 15mg of percocet for break thru. That is the reason I had to stop the methadone. Clinic wouldn't let me do both. So I stayed with the pain pills which I abused. That is why I tried suboxone which didn't help at all.Because of the reaction I got from the nalxone (I think that's the word) in the suboxone.So I think I need to go back on the clinic Any other sugestions?

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Usually the maximum dose of Suboxone is 8mgs, if a doctor does use more, it is very carefully spaced out to minimize withdrawals from other medications.

You may be causing problems by using too much at once, especially the original poster who took 2 8mg tablets at once.

There also has to be some time between the other drugs someone was using and when they take these, or they will throw you into withdrawal, because of the Naloxone in them, that neutralizes other opiates.

Withdrawing from a severe drug habit can be dangerous and should not be done without a physician's supervision.


Have you tried contacting a doctor or clinic for advice?

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Hey im about ro hopefully get help soon on suboxon. ive been on 10 to 15 vics a day for a good ten years. Do i wing off of vics first or is a couple a day ok until my visit. i really need some help...

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