Saphris And Depression (Page 3)
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I was given saphris for depression. Saphris is a brand new drug but its labing is not for depression.
Has anyone else took this medicine

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Try putting a listerine strip on the top of your tongue when you put the Saphris under your tongue, it makes such a big difference!

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I've been suffering from major depression for years. I have tried almost every single medication available and none has worked, either due to lack of toleration or ineffectiveness. I've been on an MAOI called Eldepryl, which keeps me from committing suicide. I just started Saphris 3 days ago and I have actually had energy, been productive, and my mood has been much better! I may be a bit manic, which never happens, or I've just been depressed for so long that I actually care about life now. I take Ambien with it to help me sleep. I have some insomnia, but I am actually starting to sleep through the night!
I hope it continues working and there aren't too many dangerous long-term side-effects, since there is no research for use with depression, that I am aware of. I think we are both in the same boat. If it is more beneficial for you, I would try it for awhile to see if it works.

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Lifetime depression, took tiny piece of Saprhis 5 mg tab, lifts my ood from suicidal to manageable. On Effexor, Buspar. It perks me up, so I take it in A.M.

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i have found my depression is helped with 5 mg of saphris..however i have gained 7 makes me unbelievbly hungry...also i feel alittle like speedy..but if it helps my depressions i am going to use it...but he weight gain is very bothersome to me....has anyone else had a huge appetite and weight gain? also kind of nervousness?

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I just started taking it for depression, after 15 years of other meds failing to help. My psychiatrist is prescribing it in addition to Lexapro, which doesn't do anything for me on its own.

It's been four days. I can get used to the nasty taste--like concentrated grapefruit rind.

I don't know if I can get used to how well it helps me sleep. I had been taking Ambien to help me sleep. Saphris (alone without Ambien) has me out within 45 minutes or so. But before I fall asleep, I feel a bit of anxiety, and I can't focus on anything. And then I sleep like a rock with some trouble getting myself up in the morning.

It's the weekend, so I can afford one more night. We'll see...

I don't get scared off by testimonials about meds...because you can find horror stories about I have an open-mind about Saphris...for now.

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I have just recently started taking saphris other than the nasty taste I thnk its working great deffenitly with sleep as well. You should give it a try. Good luck

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Hi Beth,

I was prescribed Saphris recently for a severe and long-term depression. I have chosen not to take this drug since my APRN, in response to my questions, had no idea why or how it would work for a depressed patient. Given her lack of knowledge about prescribed Saphris off-label for depression, I've opted not to take it.

Good luck with your decision.


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