Rp 10 White Oxycodone
UpdatedI have been prescribed 10mg oxycodone for the passed 2 years, 4x daily and have never had any problem with the ones I usually get (pink). This last rx the pharmacy gave me the RP 10s made by Rhodes Pharm. And I have never had a oxycodone make me so sick, sweating nausea, headache, chills. And to top it off no pain relief what so ever. Is it me or has anybody else had the same experience? I was wondering if the pharmacy could replace them. Any suggestions?
4 Replies
Hi Carolyn,
Sorry to hear about your situation and being stuck with inferior pain medication. From what I've seen in related threads here on MedsChat, many other patients expressed similar feelings surrounding the efficacy and side effects of this Rhode's product. Unfortunately, pharmacies don't typically allow patients to return prescriptions once they leave their possession so you may be left with these until your next refill unless the doctor is flexible with writing a new script. I would just recommend asking the doctor if he/she can specify a particular manufacturer's name or pill imprint on the Rx so that pharmacies won't hand you the cheapest option by default.
Hope this helps!
I am experiencing the same thing, a HUGE difference between the normal pink that I take (typically filled at a small local family owned pharmacy) verses the one's I just received at Wal-Mart pharmacy. I will admit there is still a small relief from the constant background pain I feel, however the white ones for some reason are making me feel tireder & DEF do not last the 5-6 hrs that the pink ones do. I will NOT ever use Wal-Mart again. I thoroughly understand the concern of the Opioid addiction issue, however for someone that has chronic pain and four past neck surgeries, some of us require pain medication.
Re: VJN (# 2)
VJN...I used to get the little pink oxycodone at a small pharmacy. They worked always. Then switched to Walmart and got the Rhodes and I thought it was me. That I had a tolerance issue. Same mgs, or so they say. Just very weak. Barely aware of them kicking in. They have some effect, but not enough to do the job. I see I am not alone. I must say, they will keep me out of withdral. And they are better than tylenol, but not what I expect from 10mgs. I won't request a bump up. As it is, I am being treated by primary care doc. If I draw attention to myself, they just may send me to pain management. I am against that. For one thing, too many docs already manage my care. Specialists. Neurologists, Vascular surgeon, orthopedic surgeons. Not looking for another doctor to be managing me. So I keep quiet, take what I'm given. But, I take 11/2 instead of just 1. They allow one every 4 hrs, so in the end I do not go over daily allowance, taking it 4× a day. It annoys me that we are forced to take MORE because they give LESS of the active ingredient, and call it the SAME.
That’s odd. The pink do less for me than the white rp10 from Walmart! I’m so mad right now because Walmart gave me these pink A48 ones and I’ve got them from cvs before and weren’t as strong. I’m trying to find out who else sells the Rhodes pills because I’m never going to Walmart’s again.
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