Roxycodone 30mg (Top voted first)
Updatedroxycodone 30mg tablets
7 Replies
ive been on roxy for a very long time i am trying to get off of them where do i start?
try a pill doctors can prescibe you called suboxone 8 mg, it cures the dope sickness and block opiates to your brain receptors. It works amazingly well, try just half of a 8 mg at a time. It will not make you feel high, just make you feel normal and able to continue with your normal life. Good luck
You can only use Suboxone if you have a severe addiction problem and have been abusing drugs, it is not for use by those who have been taking medication at a normal prescribed dosage.
You should consult your doctor and they can help you decide the best way to taper off your medication.
u just stop the only thing u have to really deal with is a little diarea and resless legg sydrone and after one week of feeling like s*** ur start to have better days and a week after that ur fine ,now a small mixture of things will help ,if ur really in pain get some gabapintin for pain, and non narcotic sleep med
I shot up roxies for 3 years, normally 3-4 a day..but on a good day 7-8..
I just recently got prescribed suboxone and let me tell you it is a life saver. Completely takes away withdrawals, and allows me to go on and go to work. I'm just dealing with slight back pain and watch out the suboxone causes depression. I'm prescribed 24 mg a day, and I feel great. A lot better than being a junkie shooting 4 roxies in one shot
Does a yellow Roxy 30mg exist? If so, are they as good as the blue version?
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could you help me find a patient assistance program, medicare part d no longer covering,chronic back pain had surgery 7 ...
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