Round Peach Pill With P 75 On One Side And Nothing On The Otherside (Page 2)
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found round peach pill with P75 on one side and nothing on the other side
A friend found a small round peach coloured pill and asked if I could find out what it is it has a p on side and nothing on the other. Can someone tell tell me what that is???
This pill is used mainly for arthritis or back pain. It is more or less an advanced form of Ibuprofen.
Jen is correct generic acid reducer I have the bottle in front of me...
Verwon is 100% correct my dr prescribes me those to take for my back pain they work ok for will be really disappointed if you are planning to take them to catch a buzz the only you can get a buzzz off them is to take them with three or four 30 mg oxycodone
Pink pill with p75 on it. What is it used for?
The tablet with the P 75 marking contains 75mgs of Diclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling.
It may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation.
Learn more Diclofenac details here.
Are there any other comments or questions?
Peach pill P and 75 below it, blank on other side, this is generic acid reducer pill.
no it says its for pain.
I found a round peach pill with P75 on one side and nothing on the other in my teenage son's room. I've been looking around the web and no one seems to know what it is. I need to find out fast because my 4 year old was in his room snooping around the other day.
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