Reducing Depakote


I have reduced depakote 500mg to 250mg 2 weeks ago. I have schizoaffective disorder. But not bipolar. I tought I d onot need to have this medication. But now since it is reduced I have no motivation, I have irritation and depressed mood. Shall I continue this medication? I take also Zyprexa 25mg and respiridol 5mg. But I have now oculogyric crisis from the zyprexa. My Doctor prescribed me cogetin as needed. It seems to help for that crisis. But the Depakote decrease make me miserable. Does it go away?

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I have reduced depakote 500mg to 250mg 2 weeks ago. I have schizoaffective disorder. But not bipolar. I tought I d onot need to have this medication. But now since it is reduced I have no motivation, I have irritation and depressed mood. Shall I continue this medication? I take also Zyprexa 25mg and respiridol 5mg. But I have now oculogyric crisis from the zyprexa. My Doctor prescribed me cogetin as needed. It seems to help for that crisis. But the Depakote decrease make me miserable. Does it go away?

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Hello, Emy! How are you?

Only your doctor can help you decide whether or not you should stop or continue this medication.

However, the issues you're experiencing are normal withdrawal effects, according to the FDA. Stopping abruptly may also create the risk of seizures, so you have to be very careful to do a slow taper, if you are going to stop taking it.

Yes, it usually does go away, but it may take some time, anywhere from a few weeks to a month, or so.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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