Psychiatrists In Dallas Who Prescribe Klonopin Or Xanax (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I just moved to Dallas, im looking for a good psychiatrist who isnt aftaid of perscribing REAL anxiety medicine. even if you know of a doctor not in Dallas just one even all the way to McKinney I'm willing to go to.

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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I ve been on xanx ,vyvanse,subutex,and I need a Dr. In Dallas area NOW CUZ I've got no ins. And Dr I have way too much and no refills!!Pleeez help now thnx,

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Hello, I was wanting to let u know of some of my symptoms. First of all i feel really tired. Too tired to function on a daily basis and also i feel as though i cant breath and I also start to shake and sweat, and every day i feel that my situation is only gonna get worse and not let me function on my daily routines.

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Okay so you know for sure that he wont be scared to prescribe xanax or klonopin? and he doesn't take insurance?

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what milligrams did he prescribed you and did he give you our time about it

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will he give you 3, 1 milligrams a day or 2 milligrams twice a day of xanax? if I told him I need that. will you also give me a adderall on top of that. also can I just be straight up to him and tell him that that's what I need or is he the type of doctor that you have to beat around the bush

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