Primosa Tablet


My doctor prescribed me primosa tablets to take during periods.

I get my periods regularly. The only problem is, I get unbearable abdomen pain during periods so doctor prescribed to take primosa morning n night after food consumption till my period gets over with.

Please tell me how this tablet will help me in getting lesser pain?

What are all the side effect of this drug? I just want to be assured it's not a painkiller?

3 Replies

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This is just a supplement that has been known to help better balance hormones in some women. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including diarrhea, in some women that take it.

Was this the only medication you've been prescribed?

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i was also given a tablet named GLOBAC to take regularly after dinner

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I am planning to get pregnant and my doctor suggested me primosa tablets. If my menstrual cycle is regular then what is the benefit of taking it?

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