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atrial fibrillation

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I am 42 years old and I have had depression since 1998. I have been on almost any medication for depression that there is out there. I started taking Prestique about 3 months ago. I just increased my dose from 50mg to 100mg a month. I really haven't seen much weight gain or weight loss, unless Zoloft whe I gained 60 lbs in 2 months. I feel much better since I increased to 100mg a month. I do have nightmares at times but nightmares every once in a while compared to being depressed and in the hospital locked up is much better to me. I think that as time goes by that these side effects get better. Like I said, I have been on many different medications over the past 12 years and this seems to be the best out there for me right now. If anyone has any other questions, please feel free to ask. I am truly sorry for those of you that this is not helping because I truly know how it feels like when you don't know where to turn to next.

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does prozac make u gain weight iv been on it for a week now and just woundering hw long it takes to work because i feel no difference at all if anything more agitated than before.

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I am 57 and have taken Luvox for 17 years. Side effects for me where craving sweets, poor sleep, manic/depressive episodes, diminished pleasure during orgasim. I tried many other ones prior to getting on Luvox with no success. While it was not perfect, it was all I had. I am aggressive as hell without any medication. I take no benzodiazapines at all. I got fed up with Celexa, lexapro, etc. and just gave up. It took about a month for my dizziness to go away. I am pretty stable now, but can tear up on a tv commercial and am having some E.D. and low libido. For all of us that are having trouble finding THE drug for us, you may want to try the Luvox. Sometimes older drugs are better than the new ones. Good luck.

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Okay, so it has been two weeks since I started the medication...And since then there has been more stress addded to my life...My drug adddicted stepson quit drug rehab and ended back on my doorstep...He has been here a week and has stolen from us twice and pawned those items, plus he attempted to steal from an older crippled couple not far from here...So I am stressed, but next week the devil spawn has to go before a committee to see if he can get back into rehab...Otherwise, I believe the medication is working, I feel much better...Not as anxious....I have a general feeling of hope and believe there is some happiness in my life...I am especially happy at work, I am a server (waitress). I know what I need to do to reach my goals...weightloss, etc....I am going to really start writing in my journal and state my goals in writing...Since my kids are nearly on their own, i want to start volunteering at the Red Cross...Just got to get the criminal on the right track...He is a habitual thief but his dad does not have the heart to toss his butt on the street..

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I totally understand.Nothing seems to help with me either I can't believe someone else feels identical as I do. Let me know how the Pristique works.

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This morning I awoke at 7:30a.m., but I did not have the energy to get out of bed until 10:15a.m, and even then it was forced because I had to potty...I just laid there and dreaded getting out of bed and starting the day..But awhile I was lying there, I realized I needed to change my life...I needed something to change how I feel. Last year at this time I weighed 55lbs less than I do now. I want to be able to run..I think I like hiking and I know I enjoy to go biking...Two years ago I weighed 240lbs..I lost 100lbs. I was happier...Now days I do not want to get out of bed and when I do I do just enough to get through the day as far as cleaning house, going to work, interacting with family, etc...Today I went to my doctor and requested a different anti-depressant..I have been on Zoloft, Lexapro,and Cymbalta..all which seemed to do nothing for me...I just really want my life back...I want to get up in the morning and go running. I want my days to be sunny, even when it is raining..Does that make sense? I do not want to look at one of my family members and be mean for no reason to them...I seem to be soooo irritable...The doctor gave me Prestique..I will let you know next week if there is any change...

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I have a friend taking this and she has been feeling tired and worse on it not like getting out of bed and highly hallucinogenic......I just got back from the emergency room due to her issues if you take this have someone keep close tabs on you

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Kelly, that was how I felt when they gave me Prozac and then again with Zoloft. They finally gave me Lexapro and it was fine. Now it is years later and my depression came back so we are trying Pristique and so far it is working for me. I understand that it is trial and error until the doctors get the right medicine for you. I truly believe it is chemicals in the brain that cause these problems. Hope this helps get rid of some of your fear. Good luck.

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Still taking the pristique and feeling better and better. Its all good so far!

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While waiting to see the phych at the local Health Dept which is 4 months waiting list. I spoke to a councelor who suggested I see a GP in the mean time for anti anxiety and depression med. Yesterday I did and was given Pristique, I took my first dose upon leaving, first I experienced nausea, and then worse anxiety, last night I had horrible panic, paranoia, and tremors throughout the night. if it had not been for the xanax .05m I might never have slept. That was enough for me. Today i return for lexapro.?

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I have started taking the pills. 7 days now and I must say - I am feeling more normal than I have in quite a while. I also have lots more energy. I am actually up and cleaning the house. I will keep you posted as the weeks go by. For now, I'll keep taking them.

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Holly, I agree with you about the pills working. I didn't start getting the CRAZY dreams til about a month into it. My biggest problem now is figuring out if an event did truely happen or if I just dreamt it. Good Luck to you and congrats on joining the Pristiq family! :D

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I just started taking Prestique three days ago and I can allready feel a difference. I have had lots of anxiety and depression and I havent had any of the side effects that people are talking about on here. I would reccomend giving it a chance as it just might work for you.

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I am 49 years old and have been taking Lexapro which has done nothing for me, except put me to sleep. My psychiatrist just switched me to Pristiq 50mg with a low dose 2mg of Abilify. I am scared because many years ago I had bad experiences with both Prozac and Zoloft. Paxil worked for a while and Lexapro for a while but then they just made me sleep. Anybody out there with similiar experiences that like Pristiq?

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I am 50 years old and have been on Prestique for the last 12 months. I have never felt better. This is the 5th type of anti-depressant I have taken and, for me, it has been wonderful. I feel like I have my life back again.

I have recommended Prestique to my father 72 and sister 38, both who are now taking, and they too are amazed at the results.

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Thanks! The dreams are still happening but I guess that is something that I will have to just deal with. Thank goodness that tornado didn't take my house last night like I had thought! haha I'm definately with ya Diana, I am also not a nice person without my happy pills!

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Amber, I have been on Prozac, Zoloft and now Prystique. I have had very vivid dreams with all 3 of these drugs. The trade-off is well worth it though as I'm not a nice person at all when not taking any medication.

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Does Prestiq cause a person taking 100 mgs nightly to kick out in his sleep sometimes really hard and hurting me?

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I have been on Prestiq for 3 months now. For the most part, I have been VERY happy with how I have been feeling. I actually didn't tell my husband that I started taking it for the 1st month. When i finally told him, he thought that I was on something because he felt like got his wife back. The problem that i have been having are the being tired all the time. BUT, I thought that maybe this could because of the intense, Grammy worthy, twighlight zone dreams that I have been having. My worst one was last was HORRIBLE!!! I am actually tearing up as I am typing this. has anyone had these types of dreams? Please Help!!!

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Has anyone had atrial fibrillation while on Prestiq? I had to go off it. I am now on Multaq per my cardiologist.

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