Pregator Purpose
Updatedpregator purpose
3 Replies
Kindly tell me the cure for which the capsule is prescribed. It's side effects may be given. I m
Am a lady of 72 years and need support to help out of steroids which I have taken and stopped. I fe el weak and unable to feel active. I am told it is due to stoppage of steroids which 7.5 mg per day I have taken for more than 12 years in arthritis.
Sharda Devi,
I have taken pred/steroids for years at very, very high dosages up to 120 mg a day... if you took 7.5 for a dozen plus years your immune system is most likely weakened and used to the steroids. a person has to wean off the steroids even at your dose, and be supervised to do so. i was weaned down to point of 2 mg one day and 1 mg next day for several weeks. in the end it was discovered i would require daily dose for the rest of my life due to having to take it for 23 years. symptoms of withdraw can be weakness, anxiety, insomnia, increased or decreased appetite, weight loss, vision can blur, weight changes like water weight may decrease if it was increased, sweating, hot and cold sensations, blood sugar changes... the list is huge really. i encourage you to put some back in your body and go see your dr to get tests to see if your adrenal gland is working at all. even if it appears to be okay, some people go into Addisons Crisis when suddenly stopping steroids. please be careful with yourself and seek advice from your dr who had you taking the steroids all these years. hope you feel better soon!
what is the use of Pregator Capsule
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