Predizone For Babies
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Is it ok to give a 16 month 1/4 of a 10 mg predizone? She woke up with a little bit of a hive looking rash. The next morning it was worse!
2 Replies
I did. I was told to give her benadryl. I did and its all cleared up and she is just fine thank u
Hello, Jessica! How are you? Sorry about your daughter's rash.
No, please don't give her a prescription medication, unless her pediatrician specifically prescribed it for her.
Prednisone is potent steroid class medication that can cause some pretty serious side effects and complications, such as fluid retention and heart failure. Thus, it's not safe to try to guess at an appropriate dose for a chid, especially when you aren't sure what's caused the rash.
Learn more Prednisone details here.
Have you called her doctor, yet?
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