Prazosin Minipress Rx (Top voted first)


Hello: Dealing with PTSD. Prazosin helps but is short acting. I use at night when anxiety jerks me awake, often 3 or 4 times. I always check BP first and when elevated by stress I take 2-4 mg. It really helps but my P-doc wont give RX for enough to see me through a month. Is there any reasonably reliable over the counter route for Prazosin (minipress)? I could really use the help. Thanks

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Hello Don. Spotted your post in here..I get the drug for something else but I was wondering did anyone try Melatonin on you? It's a natural sleep hormone.. in Europe it doesn't require a prescription.

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Hi Don,

Regarding PTSD, I stumbled upon some interesting information I wanted to share, suggesting that certain psychedelics such as psilocybin (the active component found in psychedelic mushrooms) have been medically used to eliminate PTSD altogether.

I understand that this sounds like an unorthodox approach to treating virtually anything, but I'd just encourage you to do some of your own investigations on this topic, since apparently researchers at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and New York University have also declared psilocybin therapy to be promising...

And having said this, I would also think that if you were to contact either of these universities about their studies, maybe they'd even be willing to help make psilocybin treatment a reality (in a controlled environment) for those who are willing? You never know. It's a bit outside the box, but I hope this info at least helps open the door to other types of treatment modalities that weren't already considered.

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Good evening I've been on minipress 2mg for week.but tdy I had severe headache and past few nites pounding heart.which heart beat up only lasts this ok too.I had prior been on 1mg but did not experience no effects even though the 2mg is working better

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I taking medicine for depression (Praxidip 25 mg, Aplrax 0.25 mg) and medicine for high bllod pressure (Telma 20 mg). Now I am suffering from Nightmares. Can I take Prazosin. Also suggest quantity and frequency.

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