Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms From Fentanyl (Page 2)
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Aloha from Hawaii- this is my 6th week off fentanyl patch 100mg and breakthrough oxy 40mg day for several years. Also was on Valium. So, I went through a medical detox, but still have the following symptoms and I hope they aren't permanent:

- hand tremors
- T.M.J. ( tension in jaws)
- stoned feeling
- electricity - tension running through my body, twitching, spasms
- insomnia

Any body know if I am doomed?

Maui Girl

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I am now 5 weeks without my patches. I still do not sleep and my legs twitch and run when evening comes. My blood pressure has shot up and my resting heart rate is 105. Any ideas. Thank you so much.

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Yes, this type of thing is normal if you have been on high doses of opiates for a long period of time, many people go through it.

When I stopped pain management medictions, cold turkey, it took several months for these type of symptoms to finally wear off.

You may also experience rebound pain.

If you are having severe problems stopping the medication or dealing with the withdrawal symptoms, you may wish to consult with your doctor or consider the possibility of Suboxone treatment.

You can learn more about that at: Click Here

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PAWS which means post acute withdrawls happens AFTER physical withdrawl. Some people never get PAWS, some people have them a few week, months or even years. A few people like me never are lucky enough to have relief from PAWS..I was on opiates for 30+ years w/o any break so my endorphines just don't work anymore. PAWS has nothing to do with physical WD's, it is mostly mental. Depression, lethargy, feeling of doom, and for me finally a suicide attemt. I was clean from all drugs for several years and I was so unhappy that I tried to end my life. I am on methadone maintenence today because I can't function w/o opiates. Don't worry though, unless you have been an addict for many years you most likely will get over it within 3-6 months. Just listen to your body.If you are still sick after months of being clean, talk to your doctor. I can't tell you what he/she will suggest, but if symtems dont go away, do wait to get help like I did. I almost died because I was told Its all in your head


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Hi Jasmine
the chills should be gone in a week or so ... Be happy they aren't Hot Flashes!!!! How did it go today? Aloha from Maui Girl

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Thanks for your encouragement, I needed it this morning. I'm not sleeping and the spasms and chills are getting me down. I'll keep you posted. Thank you

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Hi Jasmine
my acute detox was about two weeks! It's hard, about the same as a bad flu. Eat brown rice, cooked fresh veggies, a little fish or chicken. A cup of tea will have a paradoxal dggect and calm you. Try avoiding sugar and no alcohol!!!! It's a lot easier than detox from Benzos! Good luck! Life is better without the meds...listen or read books by Pema Choldren or other mindfulness practioners. Let us know hoe u r . Maui Girl. Three months off 100 mg patch, 80 mg oxycodone and Valium My doctor was nuts letting my tolerance build to that level!

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I am trying to handle going off 25mg fentanyl patches on my own. My doctor wants me to continue using them. My quality of life was going down hill. She had me change patches every 48 hrs and it seemed my body was sucking most of it out in 24 and I was sleeping alll the time. It has been a week since I had a patch on and the withdrawal is hell. Cold, hot, nervous, body jerks and shakes and full of anxiety. How long will this last? Anyone know? I was on them for 4 years due to repeated rotator cuff surgeries (5)

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