Pill With 230 On One Side And A Wierd Symbol On Back
Updatedi found this in my sons room and want to know what it is its round white with 230 on one side and a funny shape on back
There is a light yellow, round tablet with the Alvogen logo and the numbers 230 on the opposite side that contains 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, a generic for Percocet, it is narcotic pain reliever.
Learn more Percocet details here.
Has this medication ever been prescribed for him?
I am glad that your site showed this medication on the web, as I could not find it. I was told it was a generic for Percocet. 10-325, also known as oxycodone-acetamine 10-325. Even though this should have been very easy to find on all of the various pill/medication websites available, it was not. I myself have never seen this variation of Percocet 10/325, and was hesitant to take this medication without further investigation, to make sure it was indeed what it was supposed to be. Again thank you so much on your much needed and informative site.
The Alvogen brand of Oxycodone APAP is not as effective as the Watson brand. The re can legally be a 20% difference in the "pain" medication part of these drugs. They are 10mg Oxycodone and 325mg of generic Tylenol. Target and some Walgreen's stock the Alvogen brand and if you are in very bad pain, I suggest you avoid this brand.
Don't go through your sons room, and you won't need to know what the pills are.
When their son is on his own and out of their house, he can have all the privacy he wants.
Don't go through your sons room??? That's your advice??... Evidently you're unaware of the epidemic that is causing teens and young adults to overdose and die, in our country... Get a clue...
yeah don't go through your sons room and then you will have more time for picking out his casket. you are an idot....or maybe you just don't have children.
One day you might have kids of your own and find out their abusing prescription drugs. Oh. Nevermind you wont find out their addicts until you get the bill from rehab or a funeral home. It's people like you that are fueling this epidemic.
He said dont go through sons room cause he is more then likly a kid himself...he probly has patents that don't go through his which is why he has the need to go to drug discussion forums..
he probly takes pills himself
Opiate addiction is horrible and takes 7-10 of acute withdrawal. Opiates also kill, especially when taken with benzodiazapenes
Yep a friend of mine was prescribed opiates for pain from spider bite. She took a xanax/ benzo and never were up.
This is a Percocet and thank God he has a parent like you that cares enough to know what your child is doing maybe you can fix it before you have to decide where to bury him
I love mixn my pills. o yea stop crying ppl and take a chill pill. ha
My daughter died @ 24 cuz of mixing pills and i say stay on top of it. No matter their age. After all their suppose to bury us not us bury our kids. That's the natural order of life.
That is a 10mg 325 percocet or otherwise known as oxycodone
I have been prescribed that medicine due to dental problems & lots of pain.
I agree that the Watson brand is a lot better. I know it's true with Lortab - Norco's (Hydrocodone+APAP)
I have various health issues, Watson is the brand that I've found does best with my pain. So, I agree that it would be the best or at least one of the best for Percocet (oxycodone+APAP) Watson is a great generic brand in medication. I think since it's not name brand that any type of insurance even Medicaid should cover it.
Agreed and the price for the med is outrageous, anyone know of a cheaper brand reply {edited for privacy}
No, there can't "legally be a 20% difference". You've been misled.
The Alvogen brand are fine, anyways.
Go through your sons phone and find out who his connection for Percocet is. confront the dealer however you see fit. then send your son to a residential for 6 to 8 month. the state pays for that, through court. make a big deal about this, forget the "having a talk bs" keep quiet dont say anything to him. just send him to a program long term. this is very very serious and he needs to know how serious. even if his excuse is "its a one time thing" no.
Herbal/ Ayurvedic medicines have no side-effects and minimal to zero interactions, because they are not heavily concentrated, or processed to extract only a few chemical compounds as is the case with Allopathic (i.e. common hospital and market chemist medicines). I know people using this in parallel with anti-depressants and anti-psychotics (Valance, Sizopin, and others), with no problems, in fact has supporting benefits. Specially if patient refuses to take medicines, herbal powder or liquid form can slide into drinks and juices of daily use by well-wishers.
Most Recent Replies:
Re: alan (# 4)
If someone, especially MY child, is living in MY house and potentially on some sort of medication that could be dangerous to them... I have a right to know.
Sorry. That's what comes with living in someone else's house. You don't get rights. You want rights?
Be an adult, get a J.O.B., and get your own place and do drugs.
Nevermind that this could be the absolute difference between someone being mildly annoyed about perceived rights and saving their life.
Grow up.
That's a generic 10mg Percocet (Oxycodone 10mg with Acetaminophen 325mg) Now unless he's been prescribed this he should NOT have it, none the less take it. I am not trying to scare you but if he is taking these type of pills on a regular basis (or any other type of pain killer) once it becomes too expensive for him to maintain this habit most of the time (not always) people go to illicit drugs after this. Percocet (oxycodone) is a narcotic painkiller, it is an opioid, and is EXTREMELY addictive. I know because I was addicted to them for a number of years, along with any other pill I could get my hands on. It's really hard to get off of them and the withdrawals are HORRIBLE!! I hope he does not have an addiction issue, but if he does be supportive, tell him u love him no matter what but that you're worried about him, and most if all KNOW that it was NOTHING that you did (or didn't do) to make him go that direction. Try to get him some type of help, therapy, rehab, whatever it takes. An addiction at an early age leads to a LIFE LONG struggle. I've been clean 8yrs now & it's still hard. I was addicted by the age of 16 & homeless by the age of 19. My dealer was my Dr.
Re: Darwinski (# 18)
Yeah, I know these people think different brands are different. Got news for you it's all the same. Same amount of Tylenol and same amount of oxycodone. Basically it's all in your heads. Ridiculous !!!!!!
If you decide to confront your son's connection, please do not do it in person. Simply check the text messages. Call or text - which ever makes you more comfortable. Simply ask the person calmly not to have any contact with your son. Also be sure to mention if it happens again, you will involve the police. As a recovering addict myself, be sure your son has more than one contact. Take a little comfort in knowing that if you only found 1 pill there's a very good chance he's experimenting and not an addict. You're doing the right thing. Give him a chance to explain, but do pay attention to mood swings. I don't know how old your son is and depending on your relationship with his friend's parents, you may want to casually ask them. Don't label your son, he doesn't need to lose any support from his 'good' friends. Just tell the parents you found it outside, in a public place, etc. You may be surprised by who opens up to you; probably not right away. I'm no expert, but I hope this helps you, even a little. Good luck.
Confronting your son's dealer or pill source is a good way to get your son killed! Just saying.. smh
Please leave your name and address and when this parent's son dies or goes to prison, they can either send you their sons medical/funeral bill or his attorneys bill as well as put money on his prison books, and if you don't have any helpful intelligent advice, just do what obviously your brain does, nothing..grow up.
Been taking vicodin for 10 yrs... Been on pain pills 24 years. In great health.
Hey beentheredonethat,
I'm on that drug right now and know more about it than you do because I mix drugs under the care of a pain clinic. I take morphine and Percocet, without the acetaminophen, plus 2 nerve pain killing drugs, any of which, if taken in excess could slow my metabolism down enough to help me sleep forever. So yes, opiates can kill.
Oh, and this isn't anything about religious beliefs. It's about protecting a child from themselves.
Go troll some of the addict's sites where they congratulate each other on being uncaught felons. This isn't that site.
Oh, and here's another way opiates kill. I used to have a friend who is now dead because of opiates. He got on his motorcycle and was impaired enough that he never had the chance to swing his leg back off because a semi-tractor trailer rig did it for him at high speed. Okay, he wasn't *directly* killed by the opiate, but if he hadn't been high, he'd likely be alive.
Like I said, go troll elsewhere. You just sound immature, know-it-all-ish and frankly, stupid, here. Being a know-it-all fool doesn't make you smart, it makes you an *****.
Coming from you that's some funny stuff what if her kid will die of a drug overdose tomorrow because she doesn't know what is in her son's room
Listen kid I go through my son's room twice a week for drugs. He lives under my roof and I pay for him to live there. So I'll make damn sure that he's safe and alive. You just are an egocentric kid who thinks he knows everything. Think about the look on your mother your father your sister your brother's face if they found out that you or someone else was dead because they overdosed on opiates because their parent didn't go through their bedroom as parents are supposed to in order to keep their lying teenager safe
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