Pictures Of All Pain Releivers
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greenish blue oblong pill with r636on it
6 Replies
blue and yellow capsule with b074 stamped on it
R 636
Now as to what this medication is, it is Gabapentin 600mgs, a generic for Neurontin.
I would like to stress that this is NOT a narcotic of any type, nor is it any type of conventional analgesic.
This is a drug that was originally marketed to help control and prevent Epileptic seizures, in the process of that usage, it was found to help with pain caused by Post Herpetic Neuralgia a.k.a. Shingles in adults that had chicken pox as children and whose bodies have harbored a form of the virus for many years in the nerve endings near their spine. Shingles has the nasty habit of hitting when you least expect it, and while it does not last too long, the pain from the problems it causes with your nerves can linger for months or even years after the initial Shingles breakout has cleared up.
When it was found to be effective for this, the manufacturers were able to gain approval to market the med to treat the Pain from this, in the process of these treatments, many docs also began to try it for other forms of nerve pain, such as Diabetic Neuropathy and Fibromyalgia and found that it is effective in treating certain types of chronic nerve pain.
However, this med as I said is NOT a narcotic nor an analgesic. So it will not work quickly to alleviate even these types of pain, you have to take this for approximately 2 or more weeks, before you will begin to see any improvement to your pain, and as I said, it only works for certain types of pain, for certain people, so not everyone experiences benefit from these types of meds.
Many people have been prescribed these types of medications and just told that they were for pain, and some medical professionals have even been misinformed and told patients that they were narcotics.
That is why I want to make it clear here, that this is not a pain med and this it will NOT work like one.
There are several advantages of these meds when they do work for someone with nerve pain. They do not have the plethora of side-effects that traditional analgesics do, such as narcotics. They can also be emotionally calming, without being as sedative as Benzodiazepines or opiates. The dosage on many, especially this one, can be increased to a very high amount until the most beneficial dose is found to help the patient without dangers of overdosing. Some people take thousands of mgs of this in a day, and the only side effect most feel from it is a little drowsiness.
Unlike narcotics, these are not as addictive, so they are much easier to taper off of when you need to stop using them, and they do not cause the respiratory and cardo depression that is commonly caused by opiates.
Well, first off, I could not possibly post pictures of all the pain relievers that are on the market in the US. There are no proprietary guidelines that say everything with the same ingredients must all look the same, the appearance of a pill or capsule is entirely up to the manufacturer and what they wish it to look like. That said, there are literally thousands on the market that all look different, so we could not even begin to fit a portion of them on here.
i have a pill r636 bluish green need to know what this is
what is a bluish oblong R636 on it is?and could send pic?
send the pics to me
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