Phentermine Imprint Code K25 (Page 2)
I hope you respond to my message bur if you don't I understand.
Anyhow, I was taking these for a very long time. I was able to loose 25 pds and keep it off. I haven't taken it since July and I've gained 8 pds but I have a feeling that number might go up. The truth is my source no longer seems to exist so I'm sourceless.
I've been trying to do some research but cannot seem to find anything. Have you found something?
i am looking for phentramine, It is a bright yellow capsule but i would prefer a pill so i can cut it in half/ i think i pay about $20 for 40 capsules.
yes, we are
I'm looking for phentermine 37.5 - I went to the doctor for a prescription and the pills I got at Walgreens has the k25 on it and is white with blue specks. I would like to skip the doctor appointments and just order phentermine 37.5. Can you suggest a reliable source? I have no pharmaceutical knowledge and am afraid of scams.
I know it was a long time ago but you said if anybody needed real phentermine hit you up
No your fine i pop 2 a day. It is a stimulant just fyi so don't take more than two until you know yourself
I'm looking for real phen
Yes I am looking for Phentermine. But Im wary of knock offs or sounds similar spelled differently. I want the real stuff. Any info.
I ordered phentermine online. They advertised K25 Blister packs. What I got was a bag of pills with A159 Took one and fell asleep for three hours. Pissed off , I have never been ripped off in 15 year I get a bigger thrill from pseudephed
Hi. May I ask what source u ordered from? I am asking because I also just ordered online, and they are in a baggie and labeled A159. :( Thanks.
Hi. I also ordered online and they are labeled A159 and in a baggie . May I ask what source u ordered from? Thanks. :(
Can I buy it over the counter?
No its the pill, I just gave mine back to the pharmacy because the K25 didn't give me any energy, in fact, j felt like it was a sugar pill because I was deliriously sleepy and tired. This pill sent a shock to my tonsils for 3hours every time I took it, this pill is garbage, lost an inch or 3 in 5 days, though not worth the awful side effects.
I want to know which phentermine is more effective. The one that says k 25 or 50 30
Can you send me the details to order these then. If you say they ate real phentermine.
Sid hit me in a email if you're still on message board.
I have been taking these for years on and off. I noticed the past 2 years they didnt work good anymore. The weight clinic told me there was anither geeric out but wasn't as effectuve. I was told to get them filed at Target. I did and all seeed goid. The more blue specks the etter. Target had 30 fir $19.00 then went to $14.00. Problem now is Target is now CVS they are $25.00. The brand name is about $45.00 but they are good.
So I was not feeling anything taking the Phentermine K 25 so they changed me to one a little bigger and it’s different shape the imprint on the new one says lci 1445 they said it’s different then what I was taking how is that when I pull them up it shows they are the same
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