Pharmacies Won't Refill My Ketoprofen (Page 2)
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anyone else having this problem? I looked on the internet and can't see that it's been banned.

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I have exactly the same problem. Congenital hip dysplasia now 63 years later I would like to avoid hip replacement. This helps me get through everyday efforts. We need this.

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They told me it was going back on the market at the end of July so I called and now they are saying the same BULLS*** they were saying before. (they don't know when it will be released).

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It still doesn't seem like it's back on the market yet. I had seen earlier that they had a recall because of penicillin being mixed with it. I am really hurting today and nothing works like it did.

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I finally got through to a good person at Teva. (the company that makes ketoprofen). They have fixed the problem and it will be back on the market at the end of July.

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Good news - I finally got the right person on the phone at Teva and they did some checking for me and to make a long story short, Ketoprofen will be released at the end of July.

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I have been trying to find out the same thing. I can't live without it. I have called everyone but nobody seems to know what the problem is. Teva keeps lying to me and saying just a few more weeks but then never delivers. I just called again this morning and got the same answer. They must be planning on not making it anymore and for some stupid reason won't even tell you that.

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Hi. Yeah, I've had the same problem. My pharmacy says that their suppliers can't get ketoprofen. The Pharmacist can't get any answers as to why ketoprofen isn't available either. I am allergic to opiates, and other NSAIDs I've tried don't work anywhere as effectively as ketoprofen. So, this is a real problem for me.

I would really appreciate any information as to what is going on. Thanks.

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Hello, Cricket! How are you?

What reason are they giving you for not filling it?

Ketoprofen is classified by the FDA as being a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and stomach irritation.

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