Pharmacies Won't Refill My Ketoprofen (Page 2)


anyone else having this problem? I looked on the internet and can't see that it's been banned.

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After seeing someone recommend that we call a compounding pharmacy and get it made up that way I began to do so. I found one about 45 miles away and they were willing to make it up but they also had some in stock buy another manufacturer. They said they couldn't make it up unless they were completely out of stock and couldn't get it. So a week ago, I got it filled and it was Mylan 5750 75 mgs. (which is a mint green capsule) and have been taking it since then. So far it hasn't seemed to have kicked in yet just being on it a week. I was off of it approximately 5 months and had taken it for 15 years prior to that. I am still taking the other NSAID the doctor put me on plus taking Tramadol and Tylenol. I guess I need to start weaning myself off of the other NSAID. Ketoprofen is the only anti-inflammatory that has worked for me in the past and I've tried several others.

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Glad you finally got some. They are the only thing that works for me. My hometown drug store got it for me the day after Teva released it. I am finding that the larger pharmacies will not get it any longer which is a problem for me because they took discount cards and the smaller pharmacies around here won't. I am paying much more than I used to but just glad to get it.

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My wife uses Ketoprofen. She gets it filled at Good life pharmacy in Ord Nebraska (308) 728-3295. They are a compounding pharmacy. If your doctor will prescribe it they will probably ship it to you.

We have to pay for it because Medicare Part D will not pay for compounded Rxs.

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Conoly Drug Health Mart
200 S Teel Dr, Devine, TX 78016
(830) 663-2224

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My pharmacist in Middlesex County in NJ said they are not making anymore. I have been using it for years with no adverse problems. I believe that it works so good and has no side effect, compared to other medications that usually bring you back to the doctor. If it doesn't cause more issues then you dont have to go back to doctor and this makes them lose money. It also has been around for a long time, so the money for R & D has been paid off so no pharm. co. pushes it on doctors so they dont prescribe and therefore the demand is low and manufacturers stop making it. If people knew what a great anti-inflammatory it is, lots more people would use it. It used to be sold over the counter as Oredus KT. This is info I was given, but I hope they were wrong. If anyone has more info, please let me know.

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Re: Schwim (# 25) Expand Referenced Message

I'm having the same problem. Have been going around to individual pharmacies looking for 50mg pills. Not having much luck. Note that Mylan still makes the 200mg extended release caps. Maybe we can appeal to them to make the 50mg or 75 mg caps. TEVA is in deep financial problems, most likely the reason they quit making the 50mg caps in he first place.

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TEVA, the manufacturer of the medication is no longer manufacturing the medication as of April, 2018. The pharmacies cannot fill it because they cannot get it. You may get lucky at some small independent pharmacy who may have half a bottle still sitting on the shelf, but major retailers are not going to be able to get this. Sorry.

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Re: BarbaraJ (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I was not able to get the 75 mg of ketoprofen but I have been getting the 25 mg and take three at a time.

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