Percocet Vs Norco
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I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Re: Sorts (# 9)
You have to see a pain specialist/doctor. Internal medicine or other doctors won’t prescribe that or not for a extended period of time not even ER doctors do.
Re: molly (# 11)
Try going to a pain management doctor. I did and it sure helped. They can even call in Or electronically file your prescription without you having to go in and pick it up. My doctor is in Thousand Oaks which is one hour north of LA.
Re: RedRover (# 10)
I cant answer your question. But please don't apologize for your weight or feel the need to explain why your weight is what it is. We are all fighting our own deamons (obviously, we're here). Be the best you and stop apologizing for it.
Re: shane (# 2)
Yes u r correct Percocet r stronger and I do know what I'm talking about ive been an addict for 18 years
Re: Medicine Man (# 1)
if you are going to school to be a pharmacist your spelling is horrendous and if you are still in school it is pretty bold to be online giving medical advice to people, especially saying that a medication is "better" because it is stronger. That is not necessarily true. Due to the tremendous potential for addiction, it is ALWAYS better to use the lowest dosage possible for pain relief than to just jump in and recommend taking something that is stronger just because you may be able to get it.... just saying.
Re: tiny (# 15)
I'm allergic to Gabapentin and one other nerve med I'm unsure of the name . Ins will not let me get the lyrica.. what else can I do!? Thanks so much!
I have progressive multiple sclerosis , have had it for 28 years and my pain is steadily getting worse. Have tried everything. Now it's hard to get anything! ',cause all these people doing. Methadone seemed to help the best. Is methadone stronger than Percocet 5mg-325 Tylenol?& What about white pills uo3? Everyone says uo3's work as good as Percocet 10-325 what r they? They do look like the perks I used to get. Before I ask my doctor I need to know. Myself I have not had a script for uo3's my friend swears they're as good as Percocet 10/325. Please help me out.
I experienced the same situation. I live in Florida as well and it is very difficult to find a pharmacist to fill these types of medications. I have had pharmacist literally throw my prescription away !! I of course followed up with complaints to corporate. After several months of using the same pharmacy and having to jump hoops for them I am now able to have my prescriptions filled and my doses were half of what you take. Go in the pharmacy that you use talk to the pharmacist, find out what they would need from you or your dr to get them filled . It's very frustrating, embarrassing, and time consuming but if it makes things easier for you do it . I definitely feel your pain
I have been taking Norco 10mg for 3 years. Are Percocet 10mg the same thing? I am worried about having withdrawals from the Norco.
I had knee replacement. The 5 mg Percocet did nothing. I would take one every couple of hours. By mistake the doc gave me a 10 at first follow up. Next follow up I said I was doing great and had already cut the drug usage a lot. Then he filled a 5mg. I figured it out. I would take a 10mg every 8 hours. I was taking a 5mg every 3 hours. When I stopped Percocet. I did not drop down to a 5 I went on Norco. No idea but the 5 do nothing for me. With the 5 I was taking 40 mg a day with the 10 30mg. My body seems to like the timed released part better. So ask your doc to try that.
Hello! You went from norco to oxy/vets to get off Norco? Are you saying you used it to get off the Norco?
My dad said just switched me from Norco 10 325 to Percocet 10 325 will I notice a difference immediately or will it take time to get into my system I feel I had been on the Norco so long that it really wasn't helping me much I have a lot of medical problems and need surgery but because of my health the doctors will not put me to sleep. Will this also help me sleep better at night
They change the Tylenol in the 10/650 to 10/325. Is that the only changes? I have noticed that sometimes I've taken a 5/325 with my muscle relaxer and it help with the pain more than the 10/325. Just curious. I don't want stronger meds I just need pain relief with my fibro and lower back 4 disc pain.
If you are having difficulty finding a Pain Management doctor to prescribe the meds, try:
Clifford Alexander Bernstein MD
1950 E 17th St
Santa Ana, CA 92705
I have been a patient for 10+ years.
California back and pain specialist in van nuts can help. Dr Vic's Singh. I go there myself and they are great
Hi I have been on narco/vicodin for approx 10 years every month I am afraid of running out. How long does 1 vs the other help time wise. I take 10/325
Hi I have been taking narco./vicodin for approx 10 years. I risk running out every lastt month. How long does narco vs percocet last time wise for my pain?
Sorry for typos and advice is appreciated I know pain killers have become hard to obtain due to all the abusers
What's the beat way to get off norco 7.25s? i have been on 2 a day for 1.5 years and to be honeat Im so sick of taking pills everyday of my life. Any advice is appreciated I dont wnat to see a pain doc my 78 waa forced to go to one waiting room was nasty and full of young drug abusers. I thought to myself what a shame 78 years old qorked all his life to have to put up with such nonsense. His family doctor refuses to fill his norco due to he was afraid of losing his license. My father was not abusing maybe took one norco 10 a day. Very sad what the elderly go thru to get pain relief
I think I got allergic to Percocet and they changed me to Norco but I am still itching. Can you tell me what they have in common that may be still causing my itching.
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