Percocet Vs Norco (Page 6)
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I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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I am taking perc 10/325 now. Just switched from norco 10/325 and get more relief now.

I have several health issues and I'm pain half of the time. I am in LA. Los Angeles is hard to get a doc to give you Percocet. Norco is standard here and most places now. Some doctors at cedars will prescribe perc like mine did. Be honest and tell the doctor you're taking the other and not getting any relief and that your body has built a tolerance. I am honest and when I am they tend to help me out more.

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Dr Vic Singh is a great pain mgmt doctor. I have been seeing him for years. He is with california back and pain mgmt specialists in van nuys calif. 818-884-5480. Good luck

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Blue: Don't know ur age, and I can't say for you. I'm 66. Sounds like you have a lot going on, and suggest you get in to see your doctor asap. By the list of your meds, seems like your mixing n matching similar drugs for pain there. Dangerous for overdose. Definitely combining all those opiates is not good. I have ptsd-veteran, ridiculopathy from 2 necks fusions, lumbar damage that goes into my Rt leg with nerve pain. I'm taking Latuda, desipramine for psych n depression, and using percocet 4x a day for pain. Norco added to my depression so I changed it after 5 yrs. ER percocet is oxycontin, and I hate to start that. I can regulate my intake to incl high n lows for now. Morphine, Kadian, Fentynol patches etc....., I did not like the side affects, and made me dopey all the time. I take lorazepam at nite only, for sleep. I am able to manage pain and do things like fishing, to keep me active. I also went thru a detox cleanse of sorts, changing my metabolism and cleaning out my body with Isagenix. High does of B12's, Its like a weight loss/cleanse program. Trying to eat better etc. I know I'm dependent on the pain meds, but, not addicted to them. Because I never take more than 4 a day-regardless, as I stay vigilant with it. The mind plays tricks on a person using the pain meds. with the highs n lows. If you could handle a detox and start over again, I'd certainly suggest it. Depends on the degree of your pain condition I suppose. Sometimes the opiates will create the pain condition. Separating the two is difficult. Taking it to feel good, or taking it to stop pain, and feel good from the pain block. Tricky decision, and only the self can determine. Unless you are out of control taking into the 12-15 a day range.

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That's f***ed up. I used to be 385 lbs and now I'm 175 lbs. And I'm 5"10, female. I lost weight because I was sick with pancreatic cancer..I wasn't able to hold food down. When I was far I didn't have any problems. Not all fat people are greedy, they might have a thyroid problem. I see a lot of drunks and druggies die in the er, not fat people and I'm always in the hospital

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I have pancreatic cancer, neuropathy, schizophrenia, ptsd, bipolar, hypokalemia and I take gabapentin, Percocet, morphine, dilaudid, saphris, Prozac, folic acid, Norco, soma and xanax. I still be inpain everyday. Gabapentin doesnt do aanything for me and neither does my pain meds..what else should I try

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Get a scrip for adderal tell dr u have adhd and hard to concentrate on tasks. If u take 1 or 2 30mg adderal a day for 30 days u will lose 30-40 lbs.

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So if I was taking norco 10/325 and now on Percocet 5/325 I need more Percocet to get pain relief? I'd take 3 norco and it helped so should I take 4 Percocet?

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Just stop eating!! I was once over weight. I weighed 265lbs. And I quit stuffing my face for 2 years. I lost 95lbs and I am 170. The reason people are over weight is NOT because they don't exercise. It is because they see food as a treat, or an activity. Stop looking at food like an event. It is just to stay alive. Eat healthy and eat as little calories as you can. Bulemia and Anorexia are much safer disorders than being obese. I would rather see people purging and losing all those life threatening pounds than stay obese. When a medical emergency happens, overweight people die. The people who die from bulemia and anorexia are people who have body dysmorphic syndrome. That is when they see fat in the mirror when they are actually very skinny. Unless you have this, eating disorders are non-addictive practices that can be stopped at any time. I'm probably going to get blasted for saying all of this but in truth, fat people almost always stay fat. So again I'd rather see the lesser evil than the greater one. I work in the emergency room. The people who die from emergencies are the fat ones. It just prevents the body from healing and limits the physician from doing a good job at interventions.

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You are wrong about why the government is controlling Dr's prescribing narcotics. Its NOT because adults can't keep kids out of their med cabinets. Its because of the adults that are abusing and selling narcotics like Percocet and norco. Those are the ones who are making it hell on those who have a legitimate reason for taking them.

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Thanks for Info... You might just want to check your Spelling or just Proof-Read your Statements Bro. (All do respect..) Victor... Thanks Again Bro. The word is spelled "Feel" not Fill.

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We also have opioid receptors in our brains. Medical marijuana would be great if it were legal in every state. But it isn't. Most certainly not in my state. I'd much prefer cannabis to pills, but a lot of us are SOL. My Dr. Requires random UA's, & if a patient comes up positive for any illegal drug, alcohol, additional pain meds he hasn't prescribed, higher levels of the drugs he writes than you are allowed, or even an absence of the medications he provides (this tells him that you may be deferring meds if they aren't in your system) then you are dismissed from care immediately. Period. While your suggestion is a decent one, the points that you argue in support of your POV need some fine tuning. :0)

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I was on neurontin for about 3 months for chronic ilioinguinal nerve pain caused by a hernia surgery.Started at 300mg and ended up over 2000 with no pain relief. Had multiple nerve block injections, no relief. Recently had neurectomy surgery and my doc gave me percocet. It doesn't stop the pain but at least I can function. Point is different people. need different things and everyone deserves to have the best quality if life possible

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I keep seeing references to 500 and 650 mg of acetaminophen in tablets here. I thought any more than 325 mg per any pill had been banned. It has been in Alabama. Was the ban not nationwide? Thanks!

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Hi. I love in california and we are now having a very hard time with some of the new laws that are scaring doctors away from prescribing just about anything. And I have serious back and neuro issues. Can we talk, I would love to chat with you about this.

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My Dr. Prescribes me know 37 mgs of Methadone ,is he allowed to prescribe an opiate for a short time.I just recently fell breaking my arm, ribs and have a class 2 ligament injury

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I too have Fibrmyalgia and have used the Fentanyl patch...It was the most effective but now I have no insurance and they are 300+ a back to the pills....but if you have insurance try them...

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Hi, I have a different opinion on Melllankroft norco. It has always been the best over Watsons n the others, for me. I have been using up to 4 a day for about 5 yrs now. 2-neck fusions, n herniated lumbar discs, that has caused severe nerve pain to the lower back, and in to my right knee/hip. My problem now after all this time, is, the drowsiness n depression that exists when I now, take them. I've tried the percocet, and did one 3-day round of fentynol patches. The fentynol was too much and I was afraid of going up to that level. The percocet also makes me a little dysfunctional but helped. I wish there was something else I could take, that, remedies the pain, yet keeps me active and not withdrawn. Thanks,

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Hi Good2beme, Do you find the patch works better on a non-fatty skin area? When you say below your breast, do you mean basically where you can feel your ribs with no fatty skin area? I have been on these for quite a while.I put them above the breast area, but sometimes they don't seem to work as well. Thanks

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Percocet works unbelievably well. It was Percodan for years (only difference is Percocet has acetaminophen whereas Percodan had aspirin (stuff was invented in 1950).

I had two wisdom teeth out 14 years ago and the doctor gave me 15 Percocet. The first day I didn't take any because I was too busy vomiting up blood, but the second night my mouth was really hurting, so I took one. After half an hour (you get impatient waiting for relief when you hurt in certain areas, and your mouth is one of them) I hadn't had any relief, so I took a second one. After about an hour they both kicked in. I was taking a college math class and I sat down - feeling no pain by this time - to take the practice quiz at the end of the chapter.

I got up the next morning and checked my answers, and I had gotten all 20 right, but I couldn't remember how I had done any of them (like I said, I was feeling no pain). So I took the quiz again and was careful how I took the rest of the pills.

In the 1978 movie, "Hooper" (based on real-life stuntman Buddy Joe Hooker) Burt Reynolds popped "Percs" like you or I would pop M&Ms. Sometimes the pills didn't do enough for the pain (which amazed me after I took them), so his buddy would give him inj's. of Xylocaine so that he could stand up straight. Stuntmen get paid good, but they pay for it by breaking practically every bone in their body at one time or another.

I have a torn rotator cuff now, and I take Norco 10-325s. The pills I have now from Qualitest work very well, unlike the garbage that Mallinckrodt puts out there. I took two Mallinckrodt 10-325s and hardly felt anything. I has some 5-325s left over, and I don't remember the manufacturer but one 5-325 worked better that 2 10-325 Mallinckrodts. That brand is junk. CVS sells them, so I stay away from there when I get a script for Norco. Target has the good yellow 10-325s and the ones I got today are yellow and from a supermarket that has a pharmacy.

How Mallinckrodt got those things past the FDA is beyond me. Imagine someone with cracked vertebrae (10 times as bad as a torn rotator cuff) who didn't know about Mallinckrodt trying to lessen the pain of a broken back with their garbage. I would transfer that prescription in world-record time to Target, Walgreens or some pharmacy that stocked meds that worked. If I'm going to a pharmacy for the first time, I always ask what brand of Norco they carry. I went to a different CVS and asked the pharmacy tech what brand of Norco they stocked. She was sharp, and said "Mallinckrodt" without having to look it up. I told her "No, thank you," and although the Target pharmacy was closed (they close at 7 p.m. M-F), I stuck it out and was waiting at 9 a.m. the next day when they rolled up the security shutters at the Target.

Stay away from Mallinckrodt if it's the last thing you do.

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