Percocet Vs Norco (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I'm taking percocet 10/650mg. I have (DDD), (Athritis), and the list goes on. I have a friend on Norco. Can you tell me what the difference is between them and the highest mg the norco comes in? THANK YOU SO MUCH!

150 Replies (8 Pages)

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Neuropathy can not always be controlled with gsbapenton or lyrica or cymbalta I have severe neuropathy and none of the above helped at all the only relief I get in from pain killers

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Little shwa girl you need to realize percocet is on the prescription list for pain for a reason. Not everyone abuses it but I do agree it can be addictive. People should be careful and not overdo it. But easy for you to say either because you are an addict yourself or one of those who seen people addicted.

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Which is better for chronic pain a 5mg roxicet or a 10mg norco?

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I take norco 10/325 *4 a day. My Dr. Is worried about all that tylenal due to hep C. My question is what would be some choices of meds that have less or no tylenal?

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Not in MI...,the pharmacy is too scared to tell you over the phone. You have to actually drive to each...,and they are not nice?? they treat you like a drug addict. The system is so broke here. Oh yeah, and if they do have them they're cheap version that do not work and since you have never been there they only can order enough for people that come every month. Total bs!

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I would love just needing to use marijuana, unfortunately my pain has caused high blood pressure and my anxiety from using is just not a good feeling. I've tried just indica so I don't get jitters, but it's still not effective. Charlotte's Web has not reached my dispenser. I find myself trying and then I need to googel what to do to not be high. Chocolate milk warmed up for the enzymes, magnesium, melatonin etc. I don't want to be stuck on pain pills...,but that's what big pharma wants. I detoxed once at a center to lower tolerance and ended up in the E R. I fought for two years to not go on opiates to begin with and my experience w/all other physical therapies did not help. Those should be tried first. *Aqua, ultrasound, tens unit, message, omt, injections, epidurals. Stay off opiates if at all possible. My struggle with chronic pain and onset fibromyalgia (after being hit in my parked car by a drunk driver) has just been 7 years in Hell. Ruined my marriage, as I did everything. Left him for who I thought would make me happy. He didn't understand pain so had to leave, found a fun guy to take my mind off of the failed love...,fell in love(and still think about) but the other one ran him off because now he's changed for me. Does everything for my kids and me but there is no happy for me. I have no more energy for appointments. I'm in a study for couples living w/chronic pain. Imagine putting all your pain on a leaf as it flows down a stream...,Neat. Done w/meditation and need another pill to walk! Group/individual talk therapy, yay, another appointment and their babble gets put in my head. Tried antidepressants, they gave me nothing but a need to pull over and vomit! Church helps a little, the 85yr old grandma type who has made it through life and anticipates us walking through the door. I am staying only for my 4 beautiful smart kids! I can't not bring them up to fight the evils of the world w/good! There are just no more good days, I'm just too depressed...,you might think I'm spoiled rotten, but there's the opiates for ya...

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hi, I'm hoping to find out some information so that I can figure out what I need and what I want to ask my doctor for. I don't have a lot of money so I'm trying to cut down on appointments necessary to find the right dosage and type of pain relief that I need. Okay, so right now I am on Norco the 7.5 - 325 milligram dosage. I need more because it's just not lasting the six hours it's supposed to. I'm not sure whether to go to oxy or to stay with Norco and bring it up to 10 - 325? or time release? I'm not sure which are generic of the oxy's because our insurance company charges more for the non generic forms and we really can't afford it.
I'm not sure when this was posted but I sure could use your help because I have got to call my doctor and the way it's been working if I go in there and ask for what I need and so I need some help because what I've seen on the internet is very confusing. I'm not sure what is the generic form of the oxy's as I said so I don't know what to ask for or whether I should stay with the Vicodin or in other words the generic Norco. I'm bedridden without pain relief and its just not working for me. Please help!
thank you

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I had neck surgery and my doctor gave me 5/325 in your opinion is that every four hours enough because I still have pain and plenty of it.

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2 Norco every 4 hours is a lot of acetaminophen. Be careful my friend. I'm not sure if this is exact, but I was told by a pharmacist that 6/ day is the max one should take.

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So can I take the percocet 10/325 with Norcos 10/325 together severe back pain 2,3,4,5 lumbar damaged I need to no before I take them now

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You're not allergic to vicodin otherwise you would be to the Norcos as well. Your having side effects from all the Tylenol in vicodin. Huge difference.

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I just got out of the hospital I have a tumor the size of wine month old baby.the doctor gave me percocet which make me sick icant hold them down I'm seeing my Docter now I was wondering if the pharmacy is gonna give me a hard time because they àre Both0aiñ meds

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I was given percocet when i came home from the hospital and I can't take them can't hold them down for some reason I was taking norcos 325/10 do you think my insurance company will have problem with my Docter putting me back on my norcos

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Grand Rapids MI im seeking help on finding better doctor's to prescribe my pain meds.

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I have been taking tramadol for 8 years now . Same dosage. Only 200mg per day for fibro and severe leg cramps. I now need 300mg per day. My Dr is being a jerk about it. Says I'm addicted but my rheumatologist says I'm not. My doc won't increase the dosage for me and has cut it in half even though I told him I can't take the pain. Antiinflamitories don't help at all. What can I do?

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...two hours apart I took one Norco 5-325 capsulefirst, but since at the end of the day I had not had an improvement in my severe nasal pain of serveral days ( nerve damage being treated), I followed by changing to a 5-325 Percocet capsule... Did I violate any laws hr, for ti hurt for a while -.settling down to a stable state at the end..

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OXYCODONE they start at 10 mg. on up to a damn good pill. be careful with them as they have fast onset.... but they have No tylenol... (is a perc without tylenol)

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Since moving to CA, I too was treated as if I was a "druggie" just looking for a fix at first. After getting to know my doctors (and them getting to know me too), I don't have any problems usually. Every time some "crazy" complains or OD's on a prescription drug, that too ruins it for those of us with legit pain that the drug worked for. It's a crazy world! I have RA, fibromyalgia, bursitis and many other things that cause excruciating pain throughout my body 24/7!! I've heard that Walgreens is the Worst pharmacy to go to when filling pain meds!!! This is a slight exaggeration but they'll put you on "Alert" to other pharmacies if you buy too much over the counter Tylenol from them!! It's ridiculous!!

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Vicodin. Has the same ingredient as Norco it's has coding and Percocet has codine in it vicodin is hydrocodine so if you are allergic I dunno why they would of switch it..

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Hey! I found your info very helpful. Thanks. Sometimes it is hard to get the straight real info you want out there, without all the disclaimers. Good luck in college!

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